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Hello. I'm new here

Community Member


This is the first time I've posted. I'm almost 49 years old and feel like I've made a mess out of my life. I was made unemployed ln March last year but now going to TAFE where I feel I am not doing well in my iT course. I have the feeling that I am not going anywhere and I have no support. All my friends were tied up in my former job and none of them get in contact with me anymore. I can turn to my family but a lot of them are toxic narcissistic people who I just can't relate to. I don't feel comfortable opening up to them. I do feel lonely and I don't want to 'lean' on them all the time. Plus lack of money is preying on my mind. I have gone for over 140 jobs but only got a reply from three of them and of course I didn't pass the interviews. I just don't feel wanted by anyone anymore and I can't see much of a future. I've tried to ask for help from TAFE and job providing services but all have lead to a dead end. I'm running out of options and it's hard not to feel like a nobody. I guess I've been living with crippling anxiety and depression for a long time without realising it but it's not easy to ask for help so this in a way is a major step for me. Right now I spend a lot of time alone in my room contemplating stuff. I don't want to be a burden or downer to anybody but I know I am and constantly berate myself for it. I just don't know what to do anymore.

1 Reply 1

Community Member
Hi Dazz,

Firstly, welcome and secondly, congratulations on taking this step. Be proud that you've reached out and taken that action.

I'm sorry things have come to such a stand still for you.
If you haven't already, I think you should go to your gp and talk to them about your option, I know you said you have trouble opening up, maybe you can show the Dr your post?

Have you considered joining a group? Like if you like walking maybe there's a walking group you can join. Similar interests can help bond people together.

I'm sorry that you don't have an support right now and that you feel like you can't reach out to the people in your life. Youre always welcome to reach out here. Though it is important to note that I'm not a professional, merely another person struggling with mental health.

I wish I could be of more help,

Post back when and if you can