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G'day and looking for Treatment-resitant depression resources?

Community Member

Hi all, I just signed up and wanted to say hello, it has already been very helpful and encouraging reading through the Forums here!

I am a 60 year old male who has suffered from major depressive disorder since I was 17. As you can imagine, I'd pretty tired of being depressed 🙂 Over the years I have tried a wide variety of anti-depressants including several SSRIs and SNRIs, TCAs, and other medications. Basically none of these had any effect. I also tried CBT for about 6 years, ACT therapy for 6 or so months, and last year I was admitted to hospital for a course of ECT. So you could say, I've tried most of the mainstream treatments. Sadly I have had very little benefit from any of them, no benefit at all really.

I recently relocated from NSW to VIC. My NSW psychiatrist was not much help, she basically said "use Google to find a psychiatrist". I have seen one guy, who seems okay for common-or-garden depression, but I don't think he has much experience in chronic treatment-resistant depression.

I am pretty sure what I need is some atypical treatment, possibly quite extreme. Once I get out of the little rut of negative thinking, then maybe I can start using CBT etc to claw my way back to a normal life. As it is I can't even get to Square One with CBT because the negative thoughts are too strong, too frequent and too insistent.

In the meantime, I will keep reading the forums and hopefully make some useful and helpful replies to other forum members 🙂

Best regards to all Beyond Blue members!


3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Batlow

Welcome and for taking the time (and courage) to post too!

I understand the pain you have been through as I am 59 and was diagnosed with chronic anxiety in 1982 which morphed into depression in my 30's....and yes its an awful place to be in Batlow

You have tried so very hard to find some peace with this vile illness. Its obvious that you are proactive with your well being Batlow

Can I ask how frequently you had counseling during any phase of your medication?

The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post Batlow......otherwise I wouldnt be here!

Great to have you as part of the forum family Batlow Thankyou so much for your kind post and offering to help others that are doing it hard as well!

my kind thoughts


Note: this is my 24th year on SSRI's + occasional use of a benzo when required

Community Member

Hi Paul,

Many thanks for your kind reply, much appreciated.

> Can I ask how frequently you had counseling during any phase of your medication?

Good question. I've tried most combinations, over the years. At first I was doing CBT psychotherapy without medication. Then I started taking medication and continued CBT, with a different psychologist this time. I tried that combo for about 4 or 5 years. At various times I also combined medication with psychotherapy.

Introspecting a bit, my intuitive sense is that some psychotherapy WILL be involved, at some stage. There's no medication so good that I will achieve spontaneous remission form medication alone! 🙂 But at the moment, I can't seem to even get started on any psychological approach. Hence my interest in medication (and or TMS/ECT etc) first - and THEN psychotherapy to follow.

Thanks again, and I'd welcome any clues or perspectives from anyone.

Cheers Batlow.

Hey Batlow

No worries at all..and thank you for posting back too!

Its only through my own experience that meds yield the most effective results when combined with frequent counseling/therapy.

The meds did work well for my chronic anxiety + agoraphobia for a few years until the effect started to wear off after 2+ years....When our councils used to have mental health care workers I had no choice....I had to call them as I couldn't leave my house as I was riddled with severe anxiety....It was awful Batlow

The MHW made me promise that I would see him every week at the same time for therapy. I reluctantly agreed and he had me crying my heart out (venting) about the issues I had deeply buried. I kept my promise and kept my weekly appointments for 7 months.......This MHW (psychiatric nurse) gave me my life back.....That was in the early 1990's and still see my GP for a 'fine tune' every 4 weeks even now since that excellent community MHW

I understand that everyone's situation is different Batlow. I am only saying that counseling every six months did nothing for my own situation. I think I was in denial..unfortunately

Can I ask if you have a support person or two Batlow? This can also be a huge bonus where finding some peace is concerned. I have a two people that help with me with support....I am fortunate

just thinking out loud Batlow

my kind thoughts for you
