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Coping with Depression

Community Member


My name is Shanthan. I'm currently living in Victoria. Six months ago, I was diagnosed with Severe Anxiety and Depression. Since then, I have tried to fight my disorder by choosing all the wrong paths, such as Alcohol abuse. I only did it as I couldn't afford therapy. Eventually, I became an addict, which gave me a new reason to hate myself. I'm trying to take everything step by step and make myself do better.

This issue is global, but we should spread a lot of awareness. Every person I tried to explain my situation has not taken it seriously. I can't blame them as they have no idea what it feels like, or maybe they do, but they are good at creating walls to avoid opening up. I suggest anyone going through with this take action towards your health first instead of focusing on losing something else.


Thank you.

10 Replies 10

Hey smallwolf,

I agree with you. Since I started my horrible journey with depression, I have tried to explain to many people what's going on. I feel like even if I were in their shoes, I would have listened to them constantly but wouldn't have understood. I appreciate your reply, and I hope you are okay too.
