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Psych meds and Surgey

Community Member

Hi all, sorry if this is posted in the wrong section.


I've been told I need to have a reconstruction done on my ankle and I haven't quite made it to my next psychiatrist appointment or the surgery consult yet but I was wondering if anyone else has had to go through this or similar whilst on heavy psych meds?

Currently I'm on several  medications. Managing a bipolar2/adhd diagnosis (going just over ten years diagnosed). I know that my psychiatrist will clear it up for me but I'm just getting anxious over the thought of it all today so any advice and if it's inpatient/outpatient care would really help.


Thanks all!

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi Bipolar Kitten

I have had several surgeries and funnily enough an ankle reconstruction, whilst on several psych medications.

The important thing is to be totally honest with what you are on and the dosage so they can have all the facts when doing your anaesthetic and after care.

May be a good idea to get your psych to do an official letter outlining all your meds and dosages to give to surgeon.

Dont worry it will be fine


Thanks for a quick reply. I've got an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow and there's been speculation on my part of an consultation with the guy who runs the knock out gas (sorry starts with an A but I can't remember the job name).

I guess I'm just working myself up over the idea of a week or two inpatient to take out some meds but if that's what has to be done there's nothing to it. Broke the ankle in the first few months this year and it's taking forever to get sorted.

Hi BP,

No worries these things can be daunting. The guy who does the gas in the Anaesthetist and he will definitely meet and discuss with you what he will do and what meds you are on before surgery and sometimes even before that if there are concerns.

I'm not sure what you mean by your med situation.

Do you mean you want to come off some of your meds ? If yes then of course this can only be done with your psych's approval and direction. If this is something he supports then yes hospital is a good safe place to do it.

If your concern is you wont get your meds while you are there, then don't worry. If you are taking prescribed meds then the hospital will continue giving them to you as prescribed. They will ask you to bring your meds in with you and then will keep locked up and given to you as prescribed.

It's good you have psych appointment tomorrow - maybe make a list of questions you wont to ask and if your surgery is soon , let him know you need a letter from him stating all the meds you take and dosages for the surgeon- they may communicate by email , just check.

All the best
