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Medication for PTSD + Depression?

Community Member

Hello All,

I have started treatment with a psychologist and GP for PTSD and depression.  Beside other treatments my GP recommends to take SSRIs to help me get through especially the treatment for the PTSD. I agreed with him that I will check out whether I want to take medication. I am concerned about side effects - especially the very common side effects on the digestive and nervous system as well as the withdrawal. I do not like to take medication. I understand why he wants me to take it and start it soon, but I am just wondering if I cannot get through with alternatives.

Have you tried to stay off meds and how did it affect you? Have you tried to get through with alternatives?

I am already focussing on: healthy diet,exercise, getting out in the sun, massage

I can also focus on: mindfulness meditation

I am willing to try: bibliotherapy, moodgym, St.Johns wort, raja yoga - and I am definitely willing to try chocolate 🙂

4 Replies 4

Community Member
I suggest you try the medication and if you experience side effects that concern you speak to your GP about them. Don't be put off by the list of possible side effects. Most of those mentioned have only occured in a very small number of those who taken the medication and are only listed so the Pharmaceutical companies are safeguarded if they should occur.                                                                                                                                                                      I don't think that others experience of going of meds is relevant as their experience may not be yours - As to withdrawal if it is done properly, and your GP will certainly do that, there should be no problem. It is usually only a problem if a person stops taking their meds without reducing the dosage over time.                                                                          The alternatives you speak of take time to establish. Mindfulness requires perseverance to establish and I think the word is generally used by people who no real understanding of what it entails just as meditation is. Often I hear the word meditation used by those who are really doing a relaxation exercise, which is a worthwhile thing to do in itself, but it is not meditation.                                                                                                                                     The other things you mention sound fine and conducive to a sense of wellbeing and I would encourage you to do them. As with mindfulness and meditation your yoga practice will take some time to develop and St Johns Wort has not been shown to be of benefit for those with depression so far.                                                                              Philip.

Community Member

Thanks Philip,

I will have another chat with my GP today. I was fine and full of optimism this morning and now I just feel like crying and I have no energy and my head is spinning. I just cannot believe this is happeninng to me.

Community Member

Hi yggy,

My experience with staying off medication has not been great, mind you most of the ones I have tried haven't helped either. 

Medication for mental health is very trial and error.

That being said, if you can find one that works for you, you will significantly improve your success rate for recovery.

I believe that a better lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise etc.) will compliment your recovery, but medication is still necessary.

As for the nasty  (and sometimes scary) side effects listed for the meds, please do not let them turn you off trying. The minor side effects will not last long if you even get any of them. And the more severe side effects are very rare.

For example kidney disease as a severe side effect may have occurred in one single patient, out of hundreds of thousands who have used it. It is simply listed because it has happened.

Withdrawal can be difficult to manage, so simply, do not stop taking them, rather wean yourself off under medical supervision and you will be perfectly fine.

All of this being said, medication isn't for everyone. But I urge you to try. You won't know the difference it can make if you do not try. 


All the best, and good luck.


Hi mrkd,

thanks for your post, I've read it again and again and now a good 6 weeks later, I have finally decided to give it a try and took the first pill this morning. I've had some ups and some pretty bad downs and my GP took a lot of time + patience to go through the option of medication again and again. He left the decision to me and I finally made my mind up. First day was not too bad, light headache and a bit of an upset stomach... I will pull through with this.

All the best, Yggy