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Tas teens

Community Member

Currently trying to get psychiatric care for my teen but tasmania appears to have a small number practicing and they have closed  their books. While we have done CBT teens are now after a quick fix in a tablet. Given a bad experience with antidepressant & what we now know is a genetic inability to metabolize many antidepressants, I am now extremely wary of teen taking new prescription handed over yesterday. Teen psych care in Hobart is a disaster.

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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Melcat, can you tell us a little about what your daughter is experiencing and what you're going through so we can provide some support?  

I'm sorry to hear you've had poor experiences with trying to get proper psychiatric care in Tasmania. Have you tried the psychologists in our practitioner directory? (Listed in the 'Find A Professional' section of the website under the 'Get support' menu at the top of the page).