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Someone to talk to.

Community Member
Hi. I’m new to this and thought I would get on here to see if I could talk to others in my place. I don’t know what to say or how to say it exactly but I will try. It is very hard living with constant thoughts of wanting to end my life. Constantly hoping that there’s an easy way. It’s constant day in day out continuously having to live life and do the things that you have to do but in the back of your mind knowing what you really want to happen. It’s so hard living missrable knowing you have tried everything to change that mind set and it still not working. It’s getting worse as each day goes by.
I am constantly telling myself to snap out of it, constantly trying my best to do what I have to do but knowing exactly what I want. I hear people writing you really don’t want to die. Oh but I do and I’m comfortable with it and I don’t think it’s fair that I am forced to have to live with this crap on my mind. There’s a lot more backstory but basically I’m tired of it all and thought I’d express myself on here. Im sorry if it’s all over the place because I think a lot and there’s to much to go over but that’s basically it.Missrable and not fair that it has to be that way. Thank you. 
15 Replies 15

Community Member

Hi Bob

i have had really bad couple days. I’m struggling I’m trying hard to keep it together but it’s very hard. My mind won’t stop. I don’t know how to manage it. The pressure is very high. I have to keep it together atm due to circumstances I’m in. I knew it was going to be difficult but not as much as it has. I’ve tried to tell myself constantly stop it get over yourself it’s not as bad as u think it is it’s fine. Any suggestions on how to stop thinking so much and calm myself down.  

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi tete


I feel so deeply for you as you face the absolute brutal nature of depression. At it's worst depression is soul destroying, leaving one with far more questions than answers. Of course those typical questions become 'What's the point? Why do I have to suffer so much? Why can't anyone help me? Why can't I find the difference I need? Why does everyone else seem able to do life far more easily than me? What's wrong with me?' and the list goes on and on and on.


I've found, on the quest toward greater self understanding and a greater understanding of life, depression is the darkest part of the quest. I'm a gal who's fortunate to be able to move in and out of depression. I say 'fortunate' based on my long term experience with depression in the past which lasted for a straight 15 years or so. I found the breaks are what makes the depressions easier to deal with. Endurance and distance are the most taxing factors. The longer you go the more convincing it is that the path ahead will hold more of the same, with no light in sight. Long term depression truly wears a person down, that's for sure.


I refer to a 'quest' for on any significant quest there are a poop load of questions, such as all the ones I mentioned earlier. From the perspective of depression, such questions are typical. From a philosophical perspective, they are perfectly fair and highly logical questions. What is the point to life? What purpose does my sufferance hold? Why do so many around me lack the ability to raise me? What are they lacking which would make all the difference to me? Why do I experience great dis-ease the way I do, when others don't experience it the same way? What is it that's not right? What is missing? 


I believe if you were to bring a group of depressed people together, you would be developing a group of philosophers who are prepared to ask the deeper questions, like no other. Together many answers would be pondered upon. A single philosopher alone, in search of answers, is prone to incredible sufferance.

Community Member

Hi tete,


Thank you for the update and I'm sorry you've had a bad couple of days. It's great that you're brainstorming ways on how to stay well during this stressful time for you. For me personally, I find breathing techniques helpful as well as speaking with any friends who will listen. I used to use a phone app with guided music and instructions on breathing exercises during panic attacks. But there are plenty available online and on this website. You can find them here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/staying-well/relaxation-exercises 


Hope that helps 💙



Community Member

Thank you for your support. I haven’t been online for a while because I don’t know what to say anymore. Sometimes there’s nothing to say. 

Community Member

Hi bob hope all is well 

Community Member

Hi tete,


That's okay. Sometimes there is nothing to say which is okay. Simply touching base or staying connected is still very important to our mental health. Im doing okay. I've recently been struggling with job applications and being rejected a lot. It is not a nice feeling to be rejected especially when you are so close to the finish line. But I will recover and learn from where I did well and went wrong. It is just a matter of time and getting over this feeling of rejection and disappointment/regret. Thanks 💙

