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Self harm

Community Member
Hey, i was on these forums 2 years ago when i was 14. I am 16 and 17 in may, time flys. I have struggled with anxiety, depression, ocd, eating disorders/anorexia nervosa, panic disorder, ptsd, emetophobia and much else. i havnt been at school since early 2019 in year 9 now im in year 11 at a new school and im so behind anyways, Ive been admitted to the psych ward multiple times for attempts and when im not doing well. I have also been admitted to private psych wards.

Today i just wanted to ask if you struggle with self harm do you check the weather before you do it to see how hot it is gonna be for when you have to wear hoodies for the next few weeks. 

Anyways thanks for reading if you did,
12 Replies 12

Hi Izzy

I’m really sorry about the situation with your now ex-boyfriend. The relationship certainly left you with a lot of pain and hurt to process, which you really didn’t need or deserve. Thankfully that man is now out of your life.

Again, it’s a shame you didn’t click with your psych. Unfortunately, this happens a lot to people. It’s not your fault and it’s unfortunately a common challenge for people experiencing mental health issues.

How would you feel about talking to your GP and getting a new referral? Or, contacting your local headspace centre?

I think it’s really important to keep trying because I know the right person to help you is out there. And with the right treatment it can get better for you. It’s important.

For now, try to take life one day at a time. Be kind to yourself. And post here any time.

Kind thoughts to you

thanks everyone ill get in contact with my gp

Good on you!

Very proud of you. I will be with you in spirit!

If you feel up to it, let us know how you go. And, of course, post any time for support.