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Mindfulness: What Is It? (Even if you dont know please post so we can help grow the forums accordingly)

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

This is only the basic dictionary definition...

"Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment without judgement"

  • Please be as blunt you wish....If you dont have an idea about mindfulness it would be great if you could let us know
  • If mindfulness hasnt worked/or is too broad a concept for you it would great if you can let us know your thoughts too
  • If mindfulness has helped you, please help others to help themselves by posting how you have embraced this mindset

It goes without saying that the forums are a judgement free zone and I really hope that everyone can jump in and have their say

Your input is highly valued no matter how you respond to this topic. There are no experts here...New Posters are Most Welcome!!

My Kindest Thoughts


1,374 Replies 1,374

@blondguy Oh wow, thank you sir. And your timing is impeccable. That is a heck of a list, and has really started me thinking. I've history with the rubber band actually . I've got some work to do ...

@MarkJT Thanks also, going to google Mindfulness colouring.

I've actually been trying to do a puzzle ... 1000 pieces, slow progress, a bit frustrating so far.

@Babyboomer, Thanks. John Lennon fan and know the song well. Will check out Headspace.

Thank you everyone, what a great community you all are.

Thanks Mouse

The puzzle is a terrific idea as it provides mindfulness.....what a great example 🙂

Just on my 'grounding' post that you read (and thankyou) it was about 16 years ago and my friend left the house and I was crippled with overwhelming anxiety/panic.....it was very ugly and debilitating....until I tried to find a distraction....a powerful one...

I dont really like super boring ancient westerns but all I knew was that I had to do something to stop the dizziness that comes with a chronic panic attack.....

Couch....not sitting....lying down on my side.....clicked Foxtel.....and a silly 1948 western came up.....and I thought....'my god this is so bad'.....after 5 minutes the visual of the screen overtook the anxiety

Anxiety cannot exist when our focus is on something that is annoying to us......if that makes sense. Sure I was exhausted afterwards as anyone would be but just a crappy movie on quietly diffused the severity of the anxiety

Really appreciate your super kind compliment about the forum community too QldMouse 🙂

My Kind thoughts


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Jigsaw puzzles are the best. I have done many over the years, my greatest was 3000 pieces which I glued to a board and famed, it was the old map of the world. I'm hoping to start another.

Paul you're so right our anxiety can't exist when focusing on something annoying. I have noticed that when I am going through a bout of anxiety, if I feel angry about something that has happened, my anxiety fades. I've only noticed this recently.

today I was at the dentist, which used to terrify me. I realised I was being mindful as I listened to the radio playing, paid attention to the cleaning tools and how they felt on my teeth, looked up at the lights. The sound of the cleaning tools was ok, I was so focused on it. Considering the huge fear I had of the dentist in the past I did ok today. What used to scare me became my focus, if that makes sense.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Thats a talent to have CMF.

CMF mentioned "I have noticed that when I am going through a bout of anxiety, if I feel angry about something that has happened, my anxiety fades"

Spot on that anxiety does struggle when our focus is elsewhere...Our brain can only process so much at the same time. Great mindfulness at the dentist by the way....You have really found the balance! My kindest. Paul

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey gang, sorry havn't been around of late but got a bit going on. Great to see that this thread is still cooking away quite well.

CMF - that is supreme mindfulness to do it at the dentist. Magnificent!


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thx Paul & Mark,

ah yes, my fear of the dentist. Paul you may remember the fear I had, or you may not and that's ok. I was so sick with fear and worry, certain I was going to lose teeth, catatrophixing because I am so good st that.

even tough the cleaning process is a little uncomfortable I somehow tuned into it this time. Don't get me wrong, I didn't love it lol but I didn't sit there in a panic either.

wish I could do that with other things that cause me anxiety.

Hey Mark!... no apologies are necessary....we are fortunate to have you here in any frequency

any input from someone with your experience and understanding on Mindfulness is a mega benefit on a National platform like Beyond Blue...Huge thanks for helping us 'get it' Mark.......Including all the valued people that choose to 'read only' the forums...we can all benefit :-)....My Best. Paul

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

I do remember CMF

You can hold your head up high with how you have managed dental work.There are so many people here (off the forums that choose to read only) that are sitting back and so proud of you tapping into the strength you have

You rock. Paul

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

CMF, wouldn't it be cool if catastrophising was an Olympic sport!! We would be gold medalists!

When i have dentist appointments now i load up the phone with music, let the dentist know i have diagnosed anxiety and that if you need to talk to me you will have to tap me on the shoulder as I will be deeply concentrating on the music. Works okay most of the time.

Cheers Paul - appreciate the words.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thx Paul & Mark,

yes my dentist has suggested taking in music/headphones if I need them.

Mark, you make an important point - letting the dentist know we have anxiety. When I went a few years ago and was in absolute panic the first thing I told them was I was very anxious and have a fear of the dentist. They chatted to me about it, asked what I was afraid of and they always ask how I am going during my clean/ check ups. My dentist actually asked on my last check up if I had thought about seeing someone for my anxiety. He said he asked because he is not just a dentist but a health care professional and he cared. I was like WOW.

But back to my point, in my case, letting them know about my anxiety means they help me reduce it. They do genuinely care about how I am feeling. It would be nice if that were the case with everything.