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Meditation, Manifesting, Gratitude & The Law of Attraction

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone,

Not sure where to start so hope I can express myself clearly and maybe with others' input we can expand on this. I'm interested in people's thoughts/ experience with meditation, manifesting, gratitude & the law of attraction. I've recently started using the Smiling Mind app to meditate when going to sleep and sometimes when feeling a little anxious, like tonight. It is something i thought i could never do as my mind rarely stops, however, with persistence, I find I enjoy it. I guess i tend to have a negative mindset which I am determined to change.I always felt uneasy about thinking positive things as i thought i would jinx myself, and that whenever I made a positive comment or felt happy it would go wrong or something negative would happen. So i refrained from allowing myself to be too happy, I guess to 'protect' myself. Recently i have been feeling happier, stronger, expressing gratitude and taking note of when things have come to me when i needed them. Coincidence, or answers to what i put out to the Universe? I like to think the latter. A work colleague one day told me to manifest something i wanted, put it out to the universe , so I'm trying. Example, recently we needed to measure the floor space at reception so we could calculate how many people we could have in at one time. I needed a tape measure, which i did not have. At that moment our handyman walked into the office. Guess what he had? I am getting into the habit of practising positive thinking instead of thinking/expecting negatives. If something 'negative' does crop up, it can be dealt with, it's not the end of the world. I look for the positive in every negative situation. I am becoming more aware of being grateful for little things, things like getting a good car park at work, a warn cosy bed, a tidy house. I feel when i am expressing gratitude I am putting positive thoughts out into the universe and I notice more positives instead of focusing on negatives. Late last week we had internet issues at work and a colleague i found a little annoying. I've been feeling very drained, agitated, negative for a few days. This morning things were not running smoothly for me. A result of my negative mind perhaps? Little things became a big deal, my morning was crap. If i look back, it wasn't really an issue, i just did things in a different order which gave me more relax time this evening. The Law of Attraction, positive thoughts, positive experiences.

What are your thoughts?

cmf x

714 Replies 714

Community Member

Dear Em,

Do you have any particular guided meditations which are your favorites?

is it your question .. am I right?

yeah, I have some favorites meditations guided. These are given below for you.


    Role of the Mediator:
    The Mediator aims to facilitate open communication between you and your ex-partner so that you can:
  • identify issues of the dispute;
  • generate options to address these issues; and
  • agree upon ways to resolve the issues (i.e. ‘settlement’).

The Mediator’s role is essentially a neutral one. The Mediator will:

  • not take sides;
  • work with both you and your ex-partner to help you negotiate your own decisions together; and
  • not represent either of you in Court either before or after the Mediation;
  • not provide legal advice.

    Characteristics of Mediation
  • All decisions in mediation will be made by you and your ex-partner, not the Court or anyone else.
  • Mediation will help you to identify important issues that relate to your assets and finances and/or care arrangements for your children.
  • Mediation is readily accessible, making it fast and efficient.
  • Mediation is a popular form of alternative dispute resolution.

Hope you will be benifited.


Mark rhn

Community Champion
Community Champion


I have just found this thread and have been reading.
I may be a bit slow but this law of attraction and ask and it is given
whem something g bad happens how does that work as we dont ask for bushfires.

i have asked for many things this year and received nothing what dies mean. I am not asking the right questions or maybe not everyone can have what they ask for.
Very interesting CMF. I will reflect and read more.

Hi Quirky...."Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks is a good one to start with....also have a look at The Secret, both book and DVD. You may be pleasantly surprised....I was.

Or Google up "Law of Attraction" quotes...they're good to browse through....I love the old quote from..(can't quite remember.)...either Henry Ford or one of the old US Presidents...

"Whether you think you can, or think you can't..you are right!!"


thanks for your suggestions. I may look for the book at my op shop, I am open to new ideas.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Mark rhn... not sure about the "Mediator" information lol! Been there done that, went to Court lol. Got the kids 100% awesome! (Maybe your brilliant post was meant for another thread?)

My all time FAVOURITE Meditations are those by Dr Joe Dispenza. All guided to be in the quantum field of endless possibilities. I LOVE THESE to bits.

Decades ago I bought Shakti Gawain's "Creative Visualisation" and it was amazing to read and use.

Plus ofcourse Meditation classes esp those led by Buddhist Monks and Yoga teachers.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

quirky, you are AMAZING. 😍

As you may remember we lost our home to fire when I was young. Lived in a shed with no running water & a pit toilet up the hill for 10y plus the rest - donated clothing, food vouchers.

I worked so hard to make sure that kind of thing would never happen again to me and my family.

It's happened twice since. Homeless, bare bones, Church food.

No one would EVER say to me that I deserved that (even though some horrible people HAVE lol). No one would EVER say to you that you "attracted" bushfires. If they do, they need their head read. Flick 'em.

Not ignoring the trauma because that's real in itself; I've had a Counsellor for years now & sought specialist trauma therapy this year too. The severe triggers are minimised now.

We have NOW. The precious present. We have a path of our own making & SO many forks in our paths to make decisions about. Do we turn left or right or go straight ahead?

Where do we even START from "ground zero"? whatever that is for us.

We begin with our MIND.

Training your mind takes enormous discipline & steely pointed precise focus.

We cannot afford to have anyone sway us off of the path we KNOW is for us.

I just came out of around 6y of back to back and concurrent Court cases. 5 Courts. Same demon.
When EVERY single person, including all the costly Lawyers & Barristers, were telling me I couldn't keep going & I couldn't win.
I Prayed "Dear God PLEASE show me the path! I think I know I should keep going but everyone on earth is telling me not to! I am alone in this battle. IF I should stop, put a block on my path, if I should forge ahead please put the next BEST person in my path to help me. In Your name, it will be so. Amen." That type of thing for years.

The best person was always put in my path.
I won magnificently. 😎
Legal eagles were shocked. 😂

Start with a dream folder. Put EVERY SINGLE THING in there you want!
This helps keep your focus.

Watching "The Secret" over & over again helps alot.
Strategies to get out of a funk & lift you up are so important.

Keep those vibrations HIGH.

When I had nothing. When I had lost everything. I looked down at my legs that worked & out at my arms that worked. Then looked up and said Thank You GOD. I am so grateful!
I still do this now when I'm overwhelmed.

Being grateful for what we DO have is the point to start.

Where there is breath, there is Hope and Hope Anchors the Soul.

Love & billions of Blessings

Community Member

Hi all,

Love this thread, and hope this is okay to write even though at the surface it may look to be the opposite of attracting. BUT last night I watched a Youtube on the power of walking away, and omg am I glad I watched it. I think I knew all this stuff in my head, gut etc but for whatever reasons I have not acted on it. In a nutshell it is about if someone is disrespecting you/not valuing you - then value yourself enough to walk away. You get one life and too much time is spent investing into people who are not invested in you. Gosh, this has been me my whole 38yrs. And I still don't learn the lesson. I have 'friends' who arrange for coffee and then just ghost for a few weeks or months - so do not set a definite for the coffee and disappear, only to send a msg months later and rinse and repeat. Occasionally we will catch up, but this pattern continues. And other 'friends' who expect me to change plans for them, but I am always an afterthought. I have known for many years - to 'clean out my closet' of these types - but when you have no-one it makes it tricky. But this Covid has highlighted for me I do in fact have no-one AND no-one is much better than disrespect. I think because the disrespect that I have allowed shows me what I think of myself. No respect for myself - sort of oh, well you should be grateful to have them as 'friends' etc. But NO. And by not accepting this anymore and walking away - although alone completely - allows me to fake it to make it (because unfortunately I am not at a point of valuing myself yet) - and also frees up space and energy for new, similar souls out there to come into my circle. I hope this waffle makes sense. You all seem much more together than me - I just have to stay committed to this walking away... and starting a clean slate - true to myself and honouring, respecting and valuing myself. I would truly recommend watching one of those walking away videos if you haven't already. Kind wishes to all.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi golden82

I'm glad you found this thread and your YouTube adventure about 'walking away' sounds really good!

Oh yeah I've got plenty of friends that do that but I am probably the same. So we catch up over the phone or via text.

Not having FB or any social media by choice means my contact is IRL or via phone or text.
We're good with that. Since most of my friends are ones I've had for over 40y, "life" gets in the way of keeping high contact. Most of us have kids and grandchildren now plus most by far are still working.

But I completely agree about walking away when you feel disrespected. I did that last year to one of those friends. She had become very abusive, so I went NC. Plus I found out she'd been lying alot and I can't do a relationship with one of those types of people.

Have you also seen the "Quotes I like" thread - I LOVE that one too!

You know the funny thing I just realised about myself is that I have repeatedly said how I love nature, the environment and wildlife.... you have to be careful what you say on repeat lol... I have SO many trees to manage now and I watched a male Brush Turkey destroy my piles of branches AGAIN this week, all week. I 'attracted' this lol.

Have you got any ideas about how you'll meet new people? (Beyond here because we're all pretty awesome lol).
I'm a little too comfortable with my own company... as my children are becoming more independent, I have been thinking alot about making new IRL connections. All my research for community groups came to a dead end, some due to covid, others simply not suitable or closed completely.

I'll get there. What are your ideas golden82?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Great thread. I’m not saying positivity will cure everything but seeing the world in a more positive manner for me does help. If I’m feeling positive I’ll lift those around me. If I’m feeling negative and let it show, others will be more negative towards me. Life is undoubtedly tough and we all face a myriad of challenges. By learning to view challenges as opportunities and obstacles rather than just giving up I have certainly improved.

Community Member

Hi EM,

Thanks for responding to my post. Yes, I also like the quotes thread, and have seen you active on there too. I am not into tech and this is my first foray into online. Like you, I don't have any fb or social media accounts. My only social interactions are the occasional (very occasional) coffees as I mentioned. But through this 2020 year I have come to realize to keep those people in my life is no longer serving me. They have full lives with their families. I do not - they are aware of my narc abusive family of origin and that I am alone and struggling. Still they do not reach out. It is a very unbalanced 'friendship' whereby it means something to me but clearly not so much to them. But really I think sometimes I just keep hanging on so as not completely alone. However, I would rather be alone than with people that do not value me/enough. When you are alone you can focus on yourself and grow.

I don't plan to seek groups/friends. I think I will just keep on my path of trying to self-help/learn more about what I have gone through to help me process why I have 'coped' the way I have. Only the last couple of years have I been able to understand this connection, rather than continuing to blame myself for an eating disorder. I have a long way to go still. But also learning about and finding myself - the true me. Not what has been expected/projected onto me. I am interested in all this thread kind of stuff. Always have been, but suppressed..I think by cutting loose those old ties, investing in myself and my interests that there will be a better energy around me and free space and in this way I will 'attract' the right people into my circle. I think some people say I will find my tribe lol. But I would rather stand alone than remain stuck in the same patterns with the same people that just do not value my presence enough. I have thought this a long time, but always second guess myself. Comfort in familiarity, like a security blanket. And also zero self-worth, not believing I should be worth more or be valued or have a better life. However, the more time passes and I remain depressed like this, it keeps pushing me towards my true path I think.

I love nature too - haha yes 'be careful what you wish for'. Your life sounds very full. Almost like you have twice as many hours or more than the rest of us. Perhaps just by staying true to yourself and your path you will find your IRL tribe too? Without needing to actively seek it out. Warm regards 🙂