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--->>> OTT --- Old Thought Thoughts! <<<---
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This post is about LIMITING-BELIEFS, or as me and my brother Matt now call them, Old Thought Thoughts - OTT.
This post will most likely not appeal to many people, because I am writing about our beliefs that we have about life and ourselves, that we all have had for much of our life.
Our beliefs are personal, and yet oddly the 'same' as well.
There is a school of thought that teaches us that when we identify the OTT i.e. I am unlovable.
Relate to the OTT, rather than from it.
We can then release the attachment to the OTT, as well as the aversion to the OTT.
For example -
A child is told that they are no good, useless and worthless, every other day.
-sadly, this is a story often told, by many.
As this child grows a set of OTT have been programmed into the mind-body of the now grown adult-child.
I am no good.
I am useless.
I am worthless.
etc etc etc
The adult-child now has an attachment to the OTT.
But also you would see an aversion to those OTT as well.
I am no good <- the attachment.
And, I hate that I am no good <- the aversion. The judgement for having the OTT in the first place, keeps us attached to the OTT.
Not all beliefs are limiting.
All beliefs are fluid.
They are mutable - liable to change, as all things in existence are!
How do we release the OTT?
Thats what we're most interested in!.
I am going to share a few things of how I am learning to release all of the OTT that once ruled my life, and would love to read yours as well!.
1) Refer to the OTT being in the past. If we keep on affirming the OTT in the present moment, it stays in the present moment. By writing and talking about the OTT being in the past, youre correcting the memory. REWIRE!
2) I AUGMENT positive memories. Whatever they are, whenever they happened. This is why I actively look for things to be thankful and grateful for. Appreciation, heals! And thats now science...if youre interested in the research about this, let me know!
3) I have learned to ask for help, and to RECEIVE it graciously, whenever it comes to me. And, it always does.
4) I SMILE and LAUGH more. Theres research for this too!
5) I have changed my eating habits. I EAT WELL now. I am now on the Guts and Psychology Syndrome foodplan GAPS. I used to be obese. No more.
6) I EXPRESS in healthy ways - dance, music, write..
7) I take time out to LOVE - my family, friends, my dog bundy, nature..
REMEMBERING to LOVE is a biggie!.
And, whatta 'bout you?...
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Earth- have fun. Nice spirit animal. Chat later thank you.
StrongOne - Nice. Good thoughts back at ya. Your strength in attitude is admirable - meaning- I admire you strengths. It's great to feed off other peoples personalities. Also everyone has something to give, without even knowing it. What profile pic will suit you? I wounder.....
Last Night my head was ringing, Literally ringing. I didn't sleep much but all my thoughts were positive.
It's nice to have some caring friends around, many hands make light work.
Peace and happiness to you both.
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My question is about confidence. How do I start a simple conversation with someone, and keep it going? Ive never been good with words. I usually just drift off if the conversation doesnt interest me. Can I learn to be confident like you guys?
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Good morning All,
I would like to talk dreams. Why? Because it's 3am I'm awake like clockwork. The same dream. I don't get to sleep until midnight, at 3 I fall. Ive tried everything to stop this from happening. Its becoming more and more frustrating..to the point that it attacks me now while I Meditate. IS THERE NO PEACE ON THIS PLANET. I'm a good person, I'm loving, caring parent..all my time here is invested in others. I deserve a break. Every day I battle. Battle with life, battle with myself.but I do my duties, love my son and put his every need before my own. Please if there is a god..grant me this one wish. PEACE AND HAPPINESS TO ALL OF HUMANITY, so I can sleep. So my mind will be free..so our children's futures will be free. So my son will be safe.
I see it all. The lenghts people will all go to be free, valid, justified and stand up for their beliefs. This world should be run from the perspective of our children's future. By a child, with purity of a child's mind. For their minds have not been tainted by greed, pain, deceit and knowledge..yes knowledge too. Pure of heart. Free of pain..this is how I feel when I fall. MAYBE WE ALL NEED TO SEE FROM A CHILDS PERSPECTIVE.
I have tried everything to stop me falling. Believe me when I say this. Even to the point of practicing lucid dreaming. The belief on lucid dreaming is, maybe, you can learn to control your dreams. It's a bit airy fairy.I know. But that didn't work anyway.
I practice oneness with the planet, with my surroundings. I'm very grounded. Very soon I will give praise to the sun when I rises. I will stand firmly on the earth while I do this and pray to the sun for my and humanities forgiveness. I will thank it for rising so we have another day. I will allow its ray's to meet my eyes for the first time today and I will get on with my duties. Then when it goes down I will thank it for it's being. So we have lived another day.
My dream in life is to stop falling. I need to change a belief that this world is a bad place.
Todays OTT: I believe this world is a bad place. I feel that people/myself are no good and have been guided wrongly by evil.
NPT: I believe I can make a change. Maybe if I try hard enough I can get people to appreciate the ground we stand on. Maybe if I do this it my help me sleep. Bring peace to us all.
Ok, so, thats a bit out there...............
Writing my thoughts is my freedom.
I see you all
wish you the best of days
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Nobody here is judging you bro.
Trust and believe that you are worthy.
Confidence starts inside you.
Believe in yourself
Say what ever you need to, because we all understand.
We are all in the same boat.
Thats the great thing about these forums.
Patience is a virtue.
You are safe from judgment here.
NPT: I am valid. I am worthy. I am doing the best I can and that is all that matters. I believe the people here are kind. They have my best interest at heart.
Look at my last post bro.
Thats a crazy thought.
Peace to you CL
Your doing great!!!!!
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Hiya Matt - sounds like you could do with a dose of The Serenity Prayer my friend. A beautiful thing whether you're religious or not (I'm not). So for you ...
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Peace to you mate.
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Thanks Kaz,
That is a much better NPT than mine. I will definitely rethink that one.
I just looked on Wikipedia for that one. This one is nice too.
For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there be none, never mind it.
Sleeping tablets make me feel worse than not sleeping.
This will pass too
Patience is a virtue......like I told Panther.
Sometimes it's easier to help others than to accept it yourself.
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Hi there Matt, and thanks for your reply to my Pet Thread post. Amber is beautiful and I am very happy to give her a scratch behind the ear. Friend for life you reckon? That'd be nice.
Matt I see that you are having a lot of trouble with sleep. I know what thats like, I too have the same trouble. I have not answers however, so all I can offer is my understanding.
Now I'm not entirely sure I have the hang of this thread. Is it that we are meant to be challenging bad thoughts and replacing them with more positive ones? Well thats how I have interpreted it anyway. So here goes mine for the day.
OTT - It must have been my fault, so I blame myself for what happened. I am now damaged goods, a defective human being.
NPT - I am not to blame for being the victim of an assault by the perpetrator of a crime. I remain a good person, and I am worthy of respect and compassion.
Hello to all the many contributors to this thread. It seems to have developed quite a 'cult following'. Good one.
Taurus xx
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Hello Taurus,
You got it... first time too.
I am so happy for you.
You also need to try and do your NPT in real life too.
But.........I think what you just posted did exactly that.
Today is your day
Be happy Taurus
I am positive that your post will receive the most likes!!
Thumbs up.
I have happiness in my heart for you.
Amber is so excited that she is doing laps around the backyard.
Enjoy your afternoon
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Well Met Familly Of The NPT.
We meet here to release the OTT from our lives.
Boom Shaka Laka!.
So glad to see you.
Firstly - Bundy TheDog Shaman, wants me to tell you that, he loves you.
Always has. Always will.
He sent you those 'good vibes' that you requested, in the petThread.
That OTT, is a heavy one. I know youve got your therapist with you too.
Im also grateful to see you here because youre doing so much better than I did, I suffered in silence, for much of my life, on different levels.
We love you too!.
All things change...and that means our behaviours, and beliefs as well.
Muscles, can be reprogrammed.
Minds, can be 'rebooted'.
I connect with Spiritfulness every day to reboot my Brainputer! (Brain + Computer = Brainputer)
Im not an indoctrinated-religious man, but I do believe in a Source of energy that we come from, and return to...whats in-between is the fun part.
Thats our Spirit Journey.
But, some parts arent so fun.
If you're anything like me, then youve experienced them all - emotional disorders, psychological dysfunctions, spiritual disconnection and physical diseases.
Im surprised Im still alive somedays!.
But, I am!!.
I am grateful for resilience but more than this I am grateful for compassion.
Self-Compassion - IMHO - I believe is simply LOVE IN ACTION.
This is gonna look different on all of us.
For some compassion will look like walking away from a relationship.
On others, it will look like, staying in a relationship, for richer or for poorer!.
Self Compassion, is about reverse-engineering all the ways that we 'reach out', and 'help others', directed inward at oneself.
Im learning to be my own parent.
This has proven very important for me.
I began to see some of the ways that I was behaving and things that I was believing were things that I had learnt from others.
But, when we learn from people that had no love for themselves, the teaching is a tad faulty.
Because it comes from no love.
Thats not their fault, nor ours.
But our responsibility to make right.
Love in action.
I dont know all the answers, and would love to chat about compassion, because IMHO, I believe that compassion is an over-arching theme for all of us here, even in our dreaming.
We have much compassion for others, but that too must be reflected back at the person looking at us in the mirror.
I love the serenity prayer - Thanks Kaz!.
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I just wanted to thank you for that reminder. Compassion is so important. I'm not always the most self compassionate though, and really interested to see what others say about it too. I do feel that it takes a lot of persistence to do any of this and I feel that compassion is what keeps me focused on what matters most.
Thank you, Mr Wolf. Gorgeous pic of you and your dog. I feel warmth and love flowing from the picture of you two. The dog shaman has awesomely lovable vibes, I can feel them just looking at the pic. You too Mr Wolf sweetheart. I really love what you share. Please keep it going. I've been a bit of a stalker today, following you all around on the forums. I admire your courage and resilience Mr Wolf.
Everyone here on this thread and others too have shown me huge compassion already.
How do we offer more compassion back to ourselves for the times when all the thoughts get too much?
Loving sprinkles of fairy magic and fairy magic to everyone here tonight.
Thanks again for this thought provoking thread. Keep it going.