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Dealing with toxic break up

Community Member

Just broke off a 2 year relationship because I couldn’t take it feeling second. My ex bf has a baby mama and he always prioritises her. She calls her “daddy”, gets him to runaround for her for her foods&smokes and kid’s necessities. We had fights about this, and he kept saying it meant nothing to him and theres nothing going on between them. Ive been patient & understanding because he said it’s easier to deal it that way as she is a SAHM, has depression & BPD. He wont introduce her to me, and took her side over me because he felt that he owed her. He dumped her years ago but he knows that she wants him back. He thinks its easier to keep her happy (happy mum happy kids) but it doesnt make me happy. In general he always said he loves me, wants a future with me and what not. Last week I had a miscarriage of his baby, he was there for me. But 2 days after that he told me he’s having these thoughts in his mind that he couldnt shake off. He kept thinking about my past, who Ive been with, and he wanted to win over them. I reassured him he is the winner and he’s my future but he think the demons are stronger. Then a day after that he had dinner with his ex baby mama without telling me. While I am still recovering from my surgery! A day after, I saw her message saying she’s sorry for his loss (the baby) but She sent him sexy photos after to cheer him up and he entertained her. 
I felt betrayed. I love him but I’m having difficulties with moving on. Ive given all my best but he doesnt see it. He said my past defined me? I cant comprehend why he’s changing his mind just like that. My self esteem has gone down and I still love him but I don’t think I could deal with their relationship dynamics. I have been cheated on 3 times and I think there’s something wrong with me…. I dont want to tell my friends and family but I do feel depressed at times and don’t know how to cope.. I hope any of you can help me here…

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white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


Being such a recent separation it will take a long time to process the grief associated with it. Some take months others years but importantly you have no binding to this man that has a toxic lifestyle. 


Most important thing you can do now is visit your GP and discuss the situation. 


I hope you are ok.  Do you have hobbies, sports etc. I know you have had a recent miscarriage, just asking. And sorry for that loss.

