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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

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Hey Mocha,

how did you go at the doc's? hope the blood pressure is ok 🙂


Well freaking done.

So happy and so proud if you monkey, great news!

Love EM

She did well, and without a lawyer. I'm so proud of her, she represented herself.


Yes I talked talked talked. I had notes but didn't even use them.

Mum says I'm outspoken.

I wanted them to see and hear me.

I wanted them to know that I am a normal person, not who the psychiatrists made me out to be.

I did get legal advice about what to say and how to say it but I simply answered their qtns honestly and was myself.


Hi blueberry she said that it’s good for my age and weight so it’s all good and so long as I don’t start to feel dizzy. And that once I get under 100 kilos I’ll have to have a change done to the blood pressure medication I’m on.

That's fantastic news mocha!

No need to think about it any more. It's "normal".

Sometimes people get "white coat fever" where their anxiety about having their BP measured pushes it up.

Constant measuring and worrying about it can too!

Best to focus on health.

Love EM

I'm sure were outspoken! I would be, particularly when you're fighting for something that you want so badly. Good girl. This might be a silly question to ask but since you were on it for so long, now that you're free, where do you go now? I mean, with your health & mental health? Heaps of doctors visits as well as psych visits?

Hey Mocha,
Thats great news! I'm sure you were relief with that news. I'm happy to hear that. 🙂

You're a credit and role model to all who want to fight for their human rights against these toxic ppl. You've inspired me.
As you know, I was almost at the end of editing my complaint. After your success yesterday, Ive given myself this week off - more reprieve from traumatizing myself, before I continue to edit. Yes, I've decided to resume despite how much its goibg to hurt me. I hipe im making the right decision. I will start again Monday (date Ive set myself).

Hi Bluberry,

Next step is to wean off the drugs through my GP. I want to steer clear of psychiatrists. Doc says I need to rebuild my body.

I might have an internal examination done. C if I can sort out breathing problems I've been having.

Going to do lots of swimming at the lap pool.

In your case if you can have no expectations of outcome I think it can help. When I kept getting my hopes us I was let down a lot but when u have no expectations you can't be let down. Biggest thing you can do is not give up. The medical mafia got me, and were out to get me but now I'm free of the lot.

If you can get your story " out there" you might find others that have gone through similar and you can spread the awareness. There's power in exposure. These ppl don't like being exposed. They like doing things behind closed doors.

I'm not going to go ahead and sue as I'm glad just to be free of it. But I will help ppl in the same position, join groups that expose the truth, write about it, that sort of thing.

But if I'm ever threatened by a psychiatrist ever again I will threaten to personally sue them.