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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

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First of all ecomama all I can say is: 😱. And I told my psych I can’t wait until my grandmother passes away as I won’t have to put up with her anymore. Blueberry yes I totally agree with you all narcissists should all be locked up. I’m also trying to work out how to tell my psych about some things that I told my gp & my mum that she might think are red flags but which I down played one thing quite a bit and one thing from 8/9 years ago that my gp doesn’t know about yet but kind of asked me about when I saw her last face to face pre antidepressants and a week after Covid 19 became about. So any tips about telling a psych something that although ages ago that she’ll definitely see as a red flag?

I'm sorry we've been abused, also. We don't deserve it. Noone does.
There was a case with a family in the Blue Mountains who got set-up & framed for child abuse. They were convicted and jailed for 7 months before acquitted & released. They were innocent. They didn't do the things that were said. Claims were made by their family members. I thanked god for their release. I felt their pain immensely.

Hey Mocha,
I'm not sure why you're seeing your psychologist. For example, are you seeing one because you need one in order to cope? Or are you seeing one because of some other reason? Just remember that with any visits, anything you say to him/ her will be noted. Um, I would suggest to only and frankly open up if and when you feel comfortable with them, as you would with other people you meet. Talk about things when you feel if it's going to help you. If you don't feel comfortable, don't feel as though you have to answer any questions asked.

Hi blueberry I’m seeing a psychologist because I need one in order to cope especially after the bs my ex gastroenterologist put me through and because of ongoing family drama on both sides of my family. Not to mention the thoughts & feelings I was having pre antidepressants, which are back again for quite some time and having my normal sane grandmother passing away a few days before I first talked to my gp about my issues & getting prescribed antidepressants. And then having a family member try to take their life but not succeeding within the past month- month 1/2 ish.

Hey Mocha,

I'll let Monkey & Ems answer this one as I haven't had much exposure to therapy.

Hey mocha

I think Blubes was worried that someone else was "making" you see a psych.

If you're seeing a psych of your OWN volition then good.

Blubes is also rightfully suspicious of MH "Professionals" - she's studying Law remember lol.
You'll be perfect for the job Bluberry!

Mocha, can you give us a hint or just come right out with it about what the thing is that will send up red flags?
And also WHOM it will send red flags up about?

I do not want to assume.

You're a wise young lady double thinking what to tell the psych. Indeed if a MHCP was provided by your GP then your psych is obligated to write a report on you and send it to your GP.
There's more in these reports than they tell you.... probably all of the time.

IT should NOT be this way.

I came right out and asked my GP to print a copy of my psych report for me and he did. And I KNOW he wasn't supposed to. There were things in that report that the psych never even mentioned to me.
I went for one more session, psych didn't mention anything again plus she was merely collecting data and NOT helping me, worse in fact, she was shaming me about DV, so I left. Never to return to that psych.


Yes it was my choice to seek out help to see a psych and as to the red flags like thoughts of self harm and almost doing so ect ect ect.

Hi Blubes,

To answer your question I tried calling my Friend when the police were there but he was busy at work and didn't pick up.

Come to think of it I used to have terrible nightmares as well.

I tried ending my life after I felt abnormal after being drugged for quite some time plus didn't get the therapy I needed. Know this now. Everything was like a tonne of bricks weighing heavily on me and one more brick and that was it for me.

The meds are really harsh and have effects even after off them. There's a lot of ignorance I find concerning them.

Today I ventured out, took a car for a test drive and might b buying it...doing this sort of thing helps me look/ move forward...treats for myself. Everything can't go wrong all the time but I have weathered big storms in my life...and am weathered bcas of them...I'm not totally unscathed....forever...but I guess you just endure life sometimes.

Not caring as much has helped me to...I know I have haunting things I haven't taken care of...but you know, you've got to not care sometimes as well...it's helped me cope.

I admire you wanting to create change...

Hey mocha delight,

Your life sounds traumatic ATM...

Good for you for reaching out.

I agree, U should feel comfortable and like you can trust the psych.

I personally wouldn't disclose anything that could backfire on you later on. I'd only tell people that would keep that red flag info private.

I'm actually very scarred from dealing with professionals and don't really trust a lot of them since I've had such awful experiences with them.

I'd prefer to tell someone at lifeline, or the beyond blue line personally. But that's just me.

Do what works for you.

You could also always write it down and burn it.

Ems … xx