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Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi..I'm new here..just need to put my feeling down..no one to talk to makes depression and anxiety so hard...the last 4 days I have either been in bed crying or on the lounge crying..I can't seem to get out of this...I am becoming a prisioner in my own home as its getting progressively difficult to go out.. I have to go out Tuesdays so I do everthing on that day but it's like I'm holding my breathe all day until I get back to the safety of my home then I can let go and that starts the cycle again of spending the next 6 days at home either in bed or on the lounge sad and depressed...I really feel like just giving up.. My husband passed away 4 years on This coming Thursday. My children live 6 hours drive away and have small children so I don't see them that much.Bad mum and grandmum I am on there last visit i was pleased to see them but I just wanted them to go home. I feel so aweful and numb atm..
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Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Hanna, ecomama, Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩, Paws and everyone….🤗.


Hanna, yes that was the car crash that claimed 5 lives…the driver survived…and will be I think in torment with himself for the rest of his life….They were all best of mates….
I met my grandsons bbff a few times when I used to visit them lots…I feel really sad for all the family and friends impacted by all the sadness that the town is going through….


Ebony managed to lick her big bandaide off last night…it is a big wound with lots of stitches (12) on it….I managed to re bandage it…(Grandy’s way)😂😁..


I will either take her into work on Monday and a Tuesday and make a little bed for her in one of the empty clothing crates…if I’m not allowed to do that, then I’ll take a couple of weeks of work…


Its raining heavy here today, which I like…..I have my candles burning, front door open (brrr) to see and hear the rain…my large water container out under the overflowing gutters to catch the rain water….(something I like doing)…one day I’ll buy a rain water tank they are so expensive!..


Hope you all have a good day today..sending my love, care and lots of hugs♥️🦋🤗🤗🤗🤗.


👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩Grandy xx






Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey Grandy and happy waves to everyone reading, 


I love collecting water in overflow places everywhere too Grandy. Do you know what I did before I had water tanks installed? 
A lady in our trading group was using new "otto bins" to install a tap down the bottom and convert into water tanks. I LOVED it lol. She'd put a flange type thing at the top which could catch water or you could divert a downpipe into it. 
Marvellous idea. 


When our Council was giving massive rebates for installing tanks, I bought one. The gap I had to pay was about $200 so I was RAPT! 
Then another. 


Of course that rebate time is well over here. Probably needs a massive return with the explosion in our population since c19 and a dam that won't support us all... never has so it won't now! 
But I say this during THE wettest year of all, so for the moment I guess it's ok. 


Sigghhhh the tragedy of those beautiful young people. Love and hugs for all. 


I hope darling Ebony can behave around her bandages! Pets and wrappings on themselves, they can't stand it. 
She's not lost her spunk then? Little darling. I bet her mum is happy to have her home. 


Love EMxxxx

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Grandy,

When I heard of the car crash, & it was a shock even hearing what little was reported. It's so sad. I think there are many people around the country who feel the same. 


I am glad to hear Ebony (got the name right this time!), is on the mend. I'm a little surprised she wasn't fitted for a 'collar' to keep her from getting at the bandages. You did well, though, wrapping her up again. I hope they don't mind you taking her into work, & that she is comfortable during the drive to & from. Knowing the good person you are, I am sure you are giving her the nest of care, & the six weeks will be over before you know it,


Gentle Hugzies always on offer for you & everyone here. ❤️


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi sweet Grandy 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 and everyone 


Hey darl sorry I haven’t seen you for a while. Trust me with the knowledge you’re always on my mind dearest friend with or lasting love always.

Grandy how’re you going hun 🤗 And our dear Ebony did that all go well with the op, she’d be on the way to healing now I hope. Sounded like you’d have your work cut out keeping her from running around the dear darling.


This isn’t good not being able to see how you are. 

ok lovey pubAok. I’ll try and see you on the other pc.


Having a rest from all the activity. In mh been v.hard at times but getting back up. Geez it’s hard isn’t it but a wins gotta be good.

God I miss you, a lot been going on I’ll chat at mine soon.


love you so much beautiful lady.

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💜🌈😇🙃👀 well trying anyway 😊



Geez on this other device I couldn’t even get to this mth posts without a lot of fluffing but see they have been able to put some changes in place.

Im in MH but handling beastly oh man don’t epwe know how hard (ITxx) bites and been going hard at the BV thingy.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Grandy 🤗👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Hi all 😊


oh darlin I’m so relieved since just posting I was able to see how you’re going. 
So so happy about dear Ebony, I say our girl because you and I we’re family 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 So are the furs here I often think of them. Such a thoughtful loving prezzy. Eternity and Destiny are so relieved Ebony’s ok. They can’t wait to jump on her back and gently bite her ears with the little needle teeth.

Absolute tragedy those teens yes I think the same about that young driver. He’ll be needing heavy therapy and watching. He’s wicked hard penalty that’ll haunt him for his life. Heart feels for him too but those poor kids. 
You’re poor Grandson must be beside himself. Poor darling so sorry for that. 
What a harsh couple of weeks for the family. How awful.


😂 Grandy style bandaging. Geez I love you just in case you’d forgotten. 

Yip hoping at work they understand and she’s hardly going to be a problem the precious. 
Anyone is so lucky to have you caring and loving them.Gold and I know that so well. 

Darls I hope the tickers settling down. Your health worries me. 

So wrong what you girls have been through and countless others. Cruel and totally destroys people with so much ongoing rot and pain to endure. Hugs girls and deep care 🤗


Good you’re happy about the rain, it does have a nice sound. 

Grandz a lot on atm I’ll be at mine in next couple days hoping. 

when I see stars and hear birdies I always think of you that’s amidst other thoughts. Was talking about you to someone today actually as I do quite often. 

YAdimh beautiful amazing warm kind always buff. gGrandz I’d so love us to be able to be rl 😪 you matter so much to many my girl. 

nigh nite and dear friends too. So tired. Hugs back Hannah 🤗😊


Always darlin 😊👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🌈😇🦋🌽 there’s some corn for a change 😆

Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Gandy, wave to everyone,


I've been wondering how you are doing lovely lass... you've had so many worries these past weeks I hope you are looking after yourself.


How Ebony is mending?... is she feeling well enough yet to be be trying to do more than she should?... I loved the idea of taking her to work & making a bed in one of the crates... you are good trying to be there for work while your girl mends... I hope they did let you take her in... but if not then phttt that's their loss... no one should expect you to leave her at home alone... how are her furry playmates coping with her not being allowed too play? Not helping with keeping her quiet would be my guess 🤣


It's very still here... even all the birds & farm animals are quiet... but we're expecting storms later... though I'm hoping they miss here.


Sending you a very huggily hug🤗






Hi Grandy

How is Ebony going? Are you getting this rain today? All the spring blossom here is being ruined by the rain or wind. I hope everything is going OK.

I've been hopeless lately, if I'm not watching things about the Queen I'm watching cute koala videos or videos of the Queen's corgis!

Hugs 🙂🐕💐🌞💝

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello ecomama, mmMeKitty, Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩, Paws and everyone…🤗.


I did take Ebony to work both Monday and Tuesday…she behaved really good, except each time I went outback to find something for a customer she cried when she saw me…I did notice on Tuesday,  after all the workers had gone home,  and when I let her out to investigate the smells in the shop….that she used her leg a little…that made me feel relief…


I love that idea of the Otto bin rain tank…thank you ecomama,  I will look into doing that…

I was expecting her to have a come on as well when I picked her up after her op..The sticky band aidey thingy was suppose to have stayed on for at least 3 days…😁 didn’t last even a day…She has 13 stitches which will be removed on Friday…..that is, if the roads are not flooded…

Brain fog isn’t very enjoyable, so I’ll call in again real soon, when words comes a bit easier..


Deebi,  I agree, it’s not good, not being able to know how someone is getting on, on the forums…I mean words are the only way we know…Deep love and care to you precious friend..💙🐿🤗🌺…24/7 💭 and hoping you’re okay…with a bear hug..


My care, love and hugs to everyone..🦋♥️🤗..
















Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey Grandy and all the lovelies reading, 


Good news about Ebony. So happy she started to use her leg somewhat and that you got to take her to work with you. How is she doing today? 

How are YOU doing today? 


Day off work today. My rescue poodle has hurt his paw now! He's limping and raising the paw really high in the air. He gets around okay but he wouldn't let me near it to begin with, growling etc. 
Hopefully when the family comes over tonight we can investigate with someone holding his snout (from biting) and others (with good eyesight) can have a look. 


Such a shame, he had a nice time with me in the garden this morning and then when I came upstairs, he was limping. 

No doubt it'll be a trip to the Vet's, when I can get an appointment. They're all closed today of course, except for the Emergency Vet which is a MASSIVE cost. 


Feeling a bit sad about this, poor little darling, 
Talk soon
Love EMxxxx

Community Member

Hi Grandy & everyone


That's good that Ebony seems to be recovering well from the surgery - hopefully in a few more weeks she will feel like a new dog!  

I'm sorry to hear about the brain fog, you have probably been worried about your furkid and other things, I hope you feel better soon.  Rest up!


Nice to see you EM, I hope things are going OK for you. 


hugs from me and little Sam oxoxoxo