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Tired, stressed and overworked mum

Community Member
Hi, i am a 30 year old mum of two young children, one with a mental disability. I suffered from anxiety and depression in my 20s and attempted suicide once, landed me in mental hospital for a while. Got my shit together got help and for years I felt so great happy and empowered. I had my second child and the same year my other child was diagnosed with his disability and things started to go downhill from there. So many other things happened in the meantime (as well as COVID) and started a new extremely demanding job, being the main provider at home keeping this job is a huge load on my shoulder on top of trying to be the best mum for my children whilst managing full time work and fast forward to now i am I once again really struggling to cope with extreme anxiety and depression.
2 Replies 2


Welcome to the forums, Sallywully

We're so grateful that you have reached out to our community tonight, we know that it is not an easy thing to do and you have shown a lot of strength in sharing your story. We're also really sorry to hear of the difficult journey you've been on, and we can hear that things are starting to feel really tough and overwhelming for you at the moment. But please know that this is a safe space for you to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and our kind, non-judgemental community are here to provide you with as much support, advice and conversation as you need.

We hope you know that there is always help available to you, and you don't have to keep these feelings bottled up inside. You mentioned that you've struggled with anxiety and depression in the past- can we ask if you are you currently receiving mental health support? If not, please know that you can always contact the Beyond Blue Support Service anytime on 1300 22 4636 or get in touch with us on Webchat 3pm-12am AEST here: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport One of the friendly counsellors will be able to talk through these feelings with you, and can offer support, advice and referrals to help you through this difficult time.

In addition to this, our lovely friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) and the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467) are always there for you whenever things are feeling like too much to cope with.

We hope that you find some comfort here in the words of wisdom and kindness that our community can offer, and please feel free to keep us updated on how you're going, whenever you feel up to it.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Sallywully~

I'd like to join Sophie_M in welcoming you here to the Forum. As usual Sophie gives good advice and the links she provides, particularly the Suicide Call Back Service if you can't take any more is a very good one.

I too would like to know if you are having medical support, as someone who suffers those illnesses I could never get myself out of it unaided and like you tried to kill myself.

I'd hate to think you might go down path again now. There are more avenues of help than 10 years ago . Your current circumstances will have sent the depression and anxiety over the roof.

Actually trying to look after two young children, with one disabled, is a full time job in itself. Do you have anyone to give you a hand, practically or emotionally. Its very tough even if you do.

Money is of course a basic problem, and you said you had landed a job, good, but that it is very demanding and places a huge burden on you.

I found even after I was much better I was not able to hold down a high pressure job, let alone do anything else.

What do you think about that job? What are the alternatives and how would your depression and anxiety react to them (with proper treatment of course)?

With or without that job I'm sure you are the best of mums and your kids are lucky to to have you. Love is the real important element after all.

Please come back and talk some more
