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Struggling with not knowing what disorder i have

Community Member

first off hi,

the last year I was pretty sure I was suffering from depression but I hadn't and still haven't been officially diagnosed. Since then I've still suffered from those symptoms and it went away for a while but in those 3 months, I had some anxiety attacks. I'm am now okay and not having them anymore and haven't for quite a few months but since I've been noticing some symptoms consisting of random bits of anger with no cause, I would spend weeks sad and depressed with no energy loss of appetite and overall tiredness. because of this I thought I had depression symptoms again but then after weeks of that I would be more talkative or I would feel like I would need to keep talking , I would feel as though it couldn't stop thinking and that I wouldn't need much sleep as well as the fact that I would get distracted very easy . the happy episodes were smaller but I felt a significant change personally .

After a while, I typed these symptoms into the internet to see if they relate to anything or just depression. now I know that the internet isn't very reliable when it comes to diagnosis but I discovered that they were symptoms much like Bipolar Disorder.
But more closely related to type two Bipolar disorder. since I've read several things on Type two bipolar and bipolar in general. the other day I spoke on chat with someone from beyond blue and they told me that my symptoms were related and are always possible. but I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to ask my mum to see a GP because it getting very tired of not knowing . does anyone have any tips?

Thankyou From Char

3 Replies 3

Community Member


To be clear, do you want tips on unipolar/bipolar depression, how to raise the issue with a GP, or how to raise the issue with your mother?

(Not a clinician, so please do not take this as definitively diagnostic.) Bipolar is definitely a possibility with the symptoms you describe, especially with the pressure of speech and racing thoughts. Hypomania can be tricky to identify, but be sure to mention them to your GP.

Does your school (if you're at school) have a health officer or similar you can talk to? They can often give a referral, or suggest to your parents that they think a GP visit is warranted.

But honestly, I would be clear, direct and reasonable. Something along the lines of: "Mum, I am concerned about how I've been lately, sometimes it seems I can't get going, and other times like I can't slow down. It's possible it's just one of those things, but I'd really like to get a doctor's opinion. Would it be possible to make an appointment with a GP?"

But honestly, we don't know your mother or your relationship with her. Try not to push too hard or argue, listen to her side but be clear about your viewpoint. I would be surprised if she pushes back on this, particularly since most GPs are paid for partially or entirely by Medicare, but it does happen.

Let us know how it goes, and good luck!

Community Member

Hi Allan,

sorry I wasn't very clear on what specific issue I need help on. but thank you that was actually very helpful . do you know anything about bipolar, if so do you know if having depression in your family will increase the chance? sorry if that's a dumb question. thank you very much your answer will most definitely help. I've been wanting to talk to someone about this but from talking to the school's counsellor in the past, to be honest, she wasn't very helpful. one of my difficulties telling my mum is that she will discuss it with Dad and I feel awkward with that simply because I know my dad suffers from depression too or did in the past so I feel weird about that but I think I most definitely need to talk before it gets worse and it already is.

kind regards Char

Hi Char,

I'd like to encourage you to have a chat with your Mum. It may help to print of some information from the computer that you believe relates to how you are feeling. That way you can hand her the information to read and you can also hand it over tot he Dr when you have made the appointment.

As you Dad has or did have a mental health issue, your family may be better able to understand your concerns about how you are feeling.

Mental health issues can run in families or they can happen very randomly to people with no signs of it in either set of parents. I am certainly no expert, just what I have observed and read.

Can you call the medical centre/ Drs. office yourself and ask what the procedure is if your parents are not willing to take you to see a Dr. for some reason?

Try the school councillor again, she may have an idea on how to approach your Mum.

No question here is a dumb question. We all learn from each other.

Hope you can have that chat with your Mum and arrange an appointment.

Google has some great information, it can also cause concern! I like to check the information out with my Dr.

Cheers for now from Dools