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Community Member

Hi all

I feel really weird for posting this because I've raised this before with a few people who think that I am crazy.

Is it possible to be psychic triggered by your mental illness?

I have tested the theory more than once and have been right each time.

It's not things like lotto numbers or telling the future like a clairvoyant claims to be.

It's a feeling I get inside my heart of people, I can feel what they feel and it's enough to alert me to their pain or sorrows. Or I dream that people are in trouble etc

These things then turn out to be correct.

I'm a very intelligent woman, straight A student, HD's at uni etc So I'm not the type to buy into things if I didn't have solid facts.

But people think I'm crazy and because I was diagnosed bipolar last year it's easy to just lumber me into a category etc etc

Having said that I never felt so deeply about people as I have since been diagnosed last year. I feel my emotions are heightened and I feel auras of emotions by been in a room.. It's quite painful for me.

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't type it, I don't feel like be bagged out for what I'm saying here.

But was just hoping someone might be able to understand and relate without judging.

The experience is painful for me. These are emotions I don't want to be feeling when I have my own emotions and problems to be dealing with.

Thank you x

6 Replies 6

Community Member

Hi there,

You've raised a very interesting point. The feelings and dreams you're describing sound very similar to what I have experienced from time to time.

I'm very sensitive to other people's emotions and motives, and sometimes through dreams I have discovered some hidden messages.

Sometimes this doesn't bother me at all and in fact it can be such a useful trait, but there have been other times that have been very disturbing when I've picked up on very negative emotions or had disturbing dreams. I have spoken to people about this before (both professionals and everyday people) and have been told many times I was an empath. I did some research on this and would have to agree. Perhaps Google 'empath' and see if it resonates with you.

Now, the interesting thing about being an empath is that it's easy to feel very drained when you're taking on the emotions of those around you. This can lead to an array of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and paranoia. So I wonder if there is an intrinsic link between empathy and depression. I don't know enough about it to say for sure, but it may be worth looking in to.

I don't suffer from depression, but during the times that I've felt unnerved by some of the feelings and dreams I've had, I have practised blocking out other people's emotions, which is something that you could try to do for yourself too if you're finding it draining. There are many methods you can find for this by searching on Google too.

I don't know if any of this will help but if it does, feel free to write back and Igall do my best to give you any more info if you'd like.

Take care of yourself! X

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Possum,

I'm sorry to hear this is affecting you so much.

You could be an empath, a person who feels other people's pain. Have you ever read up on that at all? You're obviously a very sensitive person and sometimes we take on other people's dilemmas.

Maybe worth reading up on.

All the best


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hello Possum, sorry i could'nt help myself doing the dame edna thing , Hi and welcome, I am a big beliver in psychics over the years i have been to many some good and some have been ok but they all have one thing in common and that is empathy and sometimes that is exactly what we need ,I think if you are becoming increasingly aware of these feelings all of sudden ,it;s because the universe has deemed that you are ready to handle your gift now without it frightening you ,that you are ready for it now .I believe the universe determines when we are ready to see the gifts that have always been there ,and it sounds like you are ready ,so don't be afraid you will be looked after .just my opinion ,hope that helps.All my best Ross.

Hey ReachOut

Thank you for replying, I really appreciate it. It's actually good to know that there is someone that can relate to this.

I will do some research on the whole empath thing. It would be nice to be able to control this as the feelings can be somewhat burdening for me at times.

I'll look into and thanks for drawing my attention to it x

Community Member

Thanks CMF

I agree that I do feel highly sensitive at present.

But I do wonder if there is a link between mental health and being highly sensitive or an 'empath'

Reason I question this is because I can't say I've experienced this before I was diagnosed.

Anyway I will do some reading up on empathy.

Thank you x

Community Member

Hi Ross

You've raised some interesting points. To be honest I've never seen a psychic. I once went to a lady who read tea leaves and she did point out a few things which years down the track did happen.

I really don't think that the universe should be picking me, if that's the guess, as I'm pretty hopeless and don't know what to do with all these emotions and feelings from other people. Just to be in a room of people, is quite busy for me!

Anyway I will read up on the empath stuff and see how it relates to what I'm experiencing.

I think people are complex, maybe a lot more complex than we think.

Thanks x