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New post- I dont know why Ive said that

Community Member
But yep depression, low mood incredibly strong. Just hate myself yep anyway if there r Liverpool fans out there on here- be with me tonight whatever ur time is at kick off. 3am over here for me in WA but 4:30am for middle states and 5am for Eastern states. Anyway yep those r incredibly strong but yep it is what it is
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi StevoP,

I'm not a Liverpool supporter, I am sorry to say I don't really enjoy soccer much at all. Seems like a crazy sport to me, all that running around with little to show for it! Give me an AFL game any day of the week!

Sorry to read you are feeling low with depression. Do you have ways of combating that feeling?

Distractions help me. Part of that today was helping my husband to clean the gutters. I was too busy trying not to fall off the ladder or cut my hand open to be thinking about my issues!

Hope Liverpool wins!

Cheers from Dools

Community Member
Oooooo gee big call there with the AFL stuff.Anyway yep yeah they did win and I dont know, just sort of finding my way through the day in a strange way. Without getting caught up in like too much negativity it is also just something hard. But also something I manage and yep yeah like it seems to affect the vocabulary as well as like intense emotions. Like the amount of times Ive said "incredible/incredibly" and "like" since like Saturday night is like ridiculous. There is no other way of explaining it

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi SteveoP,

Yes I did see that Liverpool had won! So congratulations to your team! Must have been a bit exciting watching their game and all the celebrating after the match.

Ha. Ha. Yes I guess you either like AFL or you don't. I grew up in rural Australia where no one played soccer let alone rugby. It was AFL, cricket, netball and basketball, and tennis. Dad didn't watch much T.V. so I guess we weren't introduced to other sports as children.

Those negative and confusing thoughts can be troublesome and annoying. I try and accept them and move on, if that doesn't work I will try and sing a song as I can't do two things at once like go over thoughts and sing at the same time.

Regarding words, I guess they are a bit like when you have the lyrics of a song stuck in your head, you go with what the mind is thinking of at the time.

I find when I am tired, stressed, depressed or anxious I can't find the words I want. I stop and think about it or just go with what ever comes off my tongue. The more I hassle about it the worse it gets.

Do you have any plans for the weekend? Hope you can organise something pleasurable to do, that always helps pick up how we are feeling.

Cheers to you from Dools