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New date.... Same thinking and life....

Community Member


I am new to this. I dont know if this is right but it's one of the last thinking spaces I seem to find some clarity, some peace and some affiliation. It's a places feel people understand what I think and feel in reading other posted but while getting some comfort in that (no offender to others feeling as I do intended), it doesn't change how I feel.

I am older well not old but getting up in years now. I had a great life's decade ago, out, friends and life at a fast pace. Move forward, divorce and job changes, bills and life just so hard. I find myself beyond stuck. I don't go out and don't do anything. None of my 'friends' call ordo anything g and I hear from nobody. My family, well only one of them touched base in any meaningful say monthly time period. I have bills and things out of the whazoo format son and what my ex left after a life of spending everything plus, a lonely and nothing existence it seems to me. I can't just get out and meet people, it's not me anymore. I can't afford it anyway. I can't afford a psych irthe subsidised psych as I have bills and commitments to everything everywhere that I can't keep up. I wake up every day with dread, well that is when I sleep. If I do sleep I don't want to get out of bed. I am lazy and I hated who I am and everything about who I am now.

I don't know kw what to do anymore. I have thought lots of Anthony's and searched a lot how to do things. I don't even have the guts to do anything which is more of why I feel shit. I can't even do feeling rubbish and doing something a bout it right.

I am lost and so alone. I have tried to reach out to services but I can't afford the cost of getting help. I only get - here's a service, call and go see someone. If it where that easy I wouldn't be here. I can't afford so that. I have a son in private school, crippling divorce and past bills from my ex. I am lost and can't go on line this any more.

Does anyone have any advice. Please don't tell me to just go talk to a psych,if I could have I would have. I want to but I literally can't afford that and I need help, I want help. I can't live like this any more.

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello Not_happy,

I am glad you have reached out here on the forums.

I hope that by being here, you will feel a little bit less alone, a bit supported, a bit like things could get better for you.

I have no wise advice for you, I'm just a person with my own problems, but I can certainly offer you a listening ear and some compassionate moral support.

So, welcome, have a look around the forums, join in on discussions that attract your attention, and you can feel safe here among friends who understand how difficult everyday life can be.


Thanks birdy

while I am here for exactly that and while I do really appreciate your support, today is just the worst. I did feel better a little anyway after reading through things here yesterday, but today has just presented a different lust of unexpected butdevastaring rubbish (new stuff, not in the mix before).

Unfirtunately it's just too much sometimes. It's just too hard.

I really don't know what to do today and where to go. I am told to get help. I can't, it's all just too much.

Thanks for your support and lovely words.

Best of luck and wishes to you

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello NH, (hope it's ok to abbreviate your name?)

I am really sorry you're feeling so low today.

I am going to suggest a couple of threads here on the forums for you to look at, just in case there is something there that helps you.

There is a thread called "Grounding yourself, what is it and how do you?" You can put this in the search bar above. Other members have suggested in that thread ways to ground yourself which can really help you feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Have a look, and see if anything there might help you.

Another suggestion off the top of my head is to distract yourself with a game or go for a walk, there are games people play on the forums here, like word games, you can find them under "social zone".

I would like to hear from you again, I'm just really sorry you're having a horrible day, wanted to offer you some support, and hope something can help to take the edge off.
