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How do you truly change and become a happy person?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi, like most people posting on here my life is in the pits. I was diagnosed with major depression and anxiety around 10 years ago.

Since then, I’ve seen around 8 different psychologists, 2 psychiatrists, and have been on 7 different medications.

After getting all the tools and knowledge I need to understand my illness and what healthy ways of thinking look like, why can’t I change?

Little, insignificant things annoy the hell out of me in an unhealthy way. I am a sad, negative person to be around. I’m moody and angry at the world. I know all of this and I am disgusted in myself, yet despite all of that I can’t change.

I’m stuck being this sad, miserable person. I see happy people all of the time and I would do anything to be like them and to see things in a different light.

All I see is the darkness and I’m about to lose my wife and kids because they don’t want to live like I do.

What does it take to truly change? Taking a medication or seeing a psychologist to tell me what depression is for the 20th time isn’t working.

Has anyone else been at this point where nothing works after so long? What did you do?

10 Replies 10

Hi Josh,

Great replies here.

So now you'veread responses and links. What is the ultimate in having a positive mind? It is remaining optimistic regardless of the reality of difficult and sad situations.

Eg Your marriage dissolves. You would allow your grief to have its time but while going through that you must look forward. "Focus on what you can achieve not what you have lost".

Life isnt easy but it's easier if we decide it will be.

Beyondblue Topic do we expect a smooth road in life?
