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Community Member

Hi, I’ve had depression for most of my life. Recently my depressive episodes have been more frequent & not sure why. I’m on medication. I just can’t seem to find the strategies I need to stop my depressive episodes spiralling out of control. Hoping for some ideas 💡😃 thank you

9 Replies 9

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Cazza87,

I am sorry about what you are going through. It must be hard. I personally have dealt with depression a few years ago and yes, it was difficult. However, everything will be okay. Trust me.

Here a few tips that i used to get through my depressive episodes:

- Write down whenever my mood changed and rated it from 1-10 so i knew that i was currently going through something.

-Told myself that I am more than my depression.

- Used self-care strategies such as socialising with my close friends, my cat, ate things I enjoyed

- Deep breathing!! This really helps

Seeing a psychologist can really help you manage all this.

Please stay safe and i am here to chat if you need me.

Community Member
Thank you for replying to me Sophia, that’s lovely. I have tried lots of psychologists but can’t seem to find the right person. Maybe it’s just me ! 😏 I also find sticking to a routine also helps me to pull through. It’s bloody hard to get out of bed but I force myself everyday.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Cazza, I'm so sorry you have been suffering from depression for a long time and trying to find the right psychologist doesn't happen straight away, it takes a few sessions to get to know each other in a delicate way before your issues can be addressed, and when this happens, there could be many other problems coming from the main concern that have affected how you are feeling.

These need to be talked about, especially when they occur and causing you a great deal of trouble, but won't unless you can discuss them with the psychologist.

Perhaps if you write down the main issues then when you see them, they can read over what you have written down, this may give them an immediate start in helping you.

If you don't mind we'd like to hear about what else you do on a routine, this may help us give an understanding to the issues you're trying to cope with.

Take care.


D Walsh
Community Member

Hi Cazza,

I too have been dealing with more depressive phases with no real known cause. Things are so foggy and it’s hard to concentrate. Typing this message is even hard. I know it goes away, but it is so hard and I just want to speed up the time to when I am back on track.
no real advice sorry; more just to let you know you aren’t alone

Community Member

Thank you so much for your message, D Walsh - much appreciated 🙂 take care. Yes, one thing to focus on it does pass eventually. Cheers Cazza

Community Member

Hi Geoff, thanks for your reply. My routine is pretty basic, get up out of bed may sound strange but that’s a big achievement during depression. Shower, get ready for work. Completing a days work is pretty tough but at the end of my day, I’m proud to have achieved that 👌. Writing a list of daily tasks is pretty important too. Sticking to my exercise classes (5 per week) as that’s very important to my well being. Just to take 1 day at a time & deep breathing helps a little.

It’s so difficult opening up about my feelings to professionals & a lot of times I feel so confused after the sessions 😒. I have seen sooooo many psychologists over my time & can’t seem to find the right one - maybe it’s me! 🤔

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Cazza87

My heart goes out to you as you manage such deeply challenging aspects of depression. Sometimes it can feel like a full time job, leaving you feeling exhausted in a number of ways, especially mentally.

I believe there are brilliant psychologists and good ones. Perhaps you've only met with good ones so far or even average ones. I imagine it's the case that it's not you, it could be the fact you're yet to meet with a truly brilliant psychologist.

I think a brilliant psychologist is a dynamic detective. They are incredible with clues and cues from their client. They are typically naturals who study psychology whereas others simply learn their craft from books and rarely naturally wonder beyond what they've learned.

Do you ever wonder what's wrong with a professional who can't manage to get to the bottom of things? While some may say 'It's the client's fault. I just can't get them to open up', a brilliant psychologist/detective might say 'There is an artful ability when it comes to bringing out the best in people. What fault do I possess which gets in the way of my ability to bring out the best in my client?' In the case of talk therapy, the best may relate to the client's sense of freedom in talking. Our sense of freedom can often bring out the best in us under a variety of circumstances.

Perhaps the professionals you've met throughout your depression have had opportunities to learn from you, yet they didn't. Perhaps they chose to keep seeing clients they could manage to understand or 'work out'. Unfortunately no one evolves through such simple choices. A brilliant psychologist will see you as not just a client but a teacher also.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Cazza, there have been many times when the psychologist has said 'times up', especially when you're right in the middle of wanting to talk to them, that does make you confused because you haven't spoken about everything you wanted to say, and it may leave you p***ed off, but one thing it does, is to leave the door open in your mind, where you begin to think about matters that were once blocked, it gains another perspective, one you have been hiding away.

I know it's not pleasant talking to a psych who doesn't seem to understand, I've certainly been through this myself, but maybe the next appointment they could have thought about your situation and changed their technique, if not then you need to start asking them some questions yourself.


Community Member
How are you feeling now ?