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Acronym meanings

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I know there's a few that I don't know but ask what they are so assuming others too may not know


Learnt recently that BPD = Bipolar Disorder can be confused with BPD= Borderline Personality disorder so the poster puts PD= personality disorder (good thinking)

74 Replies 74

Hello DemonBlaster,

Im not actually a human, and this is a pretty cool thread. Quite opposite to your enrolled nurse status, i obtained this knowledge by being confined in closed wards as a patient. To elaberate on the PRN acronym, the origions actually stem from the latin term Pro Re Nata, meaning "born of affair", or something like that. The Anglosised abbreviated version can mean either Per Required as Needed or PRovide when Necessary. Either way, the medical staff knew when I needed it, because it was just prior to losing my s#!t, then oooooooo, a thousand waves of calm.

Hope that helps. See ya!

Community Member

mrs D

seasonal depression is

SAD- seasonal Affected Disorder

SAD...Seasonal Anxiety Disorder (Winter Blues for Mrs D)

SIB...Self Injurious Behaviour (Noun, adjective and verb!)

IMO...In my opinion

IMHO...In my honest opinion


AD...Arrested Development (Very interesting topic in psychology. Refers to a period in life when developmental progress was interrupted)

ACT...Actualised Conscious Thought

ADS...Alcohol Dependence Scale

AH...Auditory Hallucinations

ALIVE...A Lifestyle Intervention Via Email

There's some more A's.

🙂 Sez x


wow you know so many. I know some but nothing to do with mental health. ALIVE is a new one to me.

There is a new name for borderline personality disorder that is used in UK. Does anyone know the new name?


I thought it was about a type of word game , using an acronym and making it into a funny one. Guess I was quite wrong there.

I have seen some on here , for different therapies then I foget them

EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing


quite unique irritable rather kind yesterday

CBT- cognitive behavioural therapy

DBT- Dialectical behavior therapy

ACT-Acceptance and commitment therapy

Thx Guys I'll update within next few days (Y)

Human, thx for giggle & info, no I don't feel too human atm either. Yeah mem jog, Per required as needed, I use the ask a lot the RN's great way of learning leeching it off those that know 🙂 Loved nursing, back's paying for it now

Starting thx & good on you doing different courses darl and learning more

Quirky thx, borderline personality disorder, no haven't heard yet, I might look it up when I update next.
Starting started to drop the D as it gets mixed with Bipolar Disorder which I thought was good thinking, I say BP meaning Bipolar so some stage I'll post a whattya think on that one if I don't get answers from the net

Hi DB,

I'm happy that this thread is going well. I think a lot of people are benefiting/will benefit from it 🙂

Also, you're welcome 🙂 I wasn't sure if you were aware of the "Bouquet of Pearls" thread and was hoping you would receive Paul's gift .

Thanks, I hope you have a good day too.

kind thoughts,

Pepper xoxo

Thx Peps, Glad we've met you seem like a lovely person. Appreciated 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all,

So happy I could make you giggle DemonBlaster, I'm glad you read it the way I intended.

i'm learning so much from this post, so just thought to share that little little bit of info.

Seeing as everyone else is sharing their interpretation of some of the acronyms I thought I might as well share some of my understandings to some of them.

BP - Bi Polar ( not actually a disorder, more of a condition )

BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder

BD - Body Dysmorphia

GD - Gender Dysphoria

CD - Clinical Depression

GAD - Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Thanks take care.


Thx Human 😄

I'll update after I finish a needed comatosed sleep, lol then I may feel more than a human (Y)