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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members
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It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!
There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!
Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.
We just need a name 🙂
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Hi Dan,
Thank you for the kind words, It's always nice to receive words of encouragement from people who went through the same thing you went through.
I'm honestly a little nervous about my lawsuit, I just wanted my former school to apologise to be honest but they insisted they did nothing wrong.
not only did they refuse to apologise, they made me out to be a complete nut-job because of my depression and basically expelled me considering me to be a danger to myself or other students.
I'm suing because I was and I am sick and tired of being bullied and harassed by other students/teachers because I'm attracted to men. I'll make sure to do it not only for me but for every other student in Australia's whos been victimised because of their sexuality.
I can promise you that, I won't back down without a fight...
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I had the same sort of feelings as you had. While I had dated a male or 2 before I felt the same way towards women as well. When I was younger I didnt really have feelings bust as I started to grow up more and interact with others through school I started getting feelings towards both genders.
I accept being Bi, Im not fighting that one bit but like others im worried about the reactions I will get from others esp my family who are already unsupportive.
I havent really had a long term relationship before. My second dating experiences which was the longest only went for about 3 months. That was through high school and during my abusive years. Through that experience I lost all trust and love for anyone so it was hard for me to keep the relationship running and besides that I ended up moving away.
Right now I would love a relationship and the companionship but I also know that I need to get myself sorted first. Id rather come with as little 'baggage' as possible and im isolated anyway. I rarely interact with people and dont know how to interact with people of my own age (20)
thats why I like being here I can talk to people who have had or are in the same situation as myself without the fear of judgement
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So many posts since I was here last. It's awesome. My head is scattered after a long (very long) weekend at my parents so apologies for not replying in more detail.
Welcome iguess, Alex, infinity. Alex, I'm trans too, just started T about a month ago (actually 4 weeks and 3 days ago but who's counting). Infinity, what you're doing is hard and gutsy and awesome. Good on ya
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I love how many people are coming to this forum 🙂
Like you startingnew I am wanting to be in a relationship but I worry that I still need to work on myself first. But at the same time I have had nearly 5 years of being single to sort that out. Yes I have been on dates but not a real relationship. It's hard. I don't know what I want in a companion. I just want someone who has similar interests, that I find attractive (I don't care if society doesn't but I believe two people need to be attracted to each other) and someone I can laugh with. I don't know what I want appearance wise. I guess I'm open. I would like to date someone with blue eyes, but it is not essential (I only want that cause I wish I had blue eyes. ha)
Raynor how has your T treatment been going? Noticed any changes? I am guessing it is like going through puberty, however I wouldn't know (I only know what the documentary Chaz Bono made)
I can't believe schools these days would support homophobic bull rubbish. If I was a teacher I would expel anyone participating in such behaviour. I think you should sue if they caused you and others so much pain. It is disgracefulness.
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im not really looking or knowing what to look for either MsP. i guess ill know when the time is right hey. im not in a hurry to get into a relationship but it would be nice. i love blue or green eyes too. but really what matters is whats on the inside but id love the whole package 😉
btw ive got blue eyes lol. i know heaps of people with blue eyes
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yeah I don't know why I like blue eyes. So bright and you can fully see the pupil. But I agree. It is definitely what is on the inside. It is also about compatibility
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I love the bright blue ocesn sky type colour. These are to die for!
But yes compatibility and personalities and interests too.
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Good morning everyone!!
I hope you lovely people are doing well... 🙂 I am trying to avoid leaving home today, just a little anxious but I know I will be ok once I'm in the sun :))
MsPurple it's nice that you had your family's support, It really can make soomuch difference to have people around you otherwise it's easy to fall into old ED rituals. I was bullied at school and even though I was always a thin child but for some reason I was labelled "fat" by other kids when I was 11 or 12 think... and I started thinking I was severely overweight and tbh it still hasn't changed anything after years of psychotherapy and counselling I still look in the mirror and see an obese guy who must lose weight and that brings upon terrible depression and anxiety. When I was 19 when my anorexia got really bad and I got the official diagnosis. Bulimia was really bad in early and late 20's and thank God it went away, it was the worst of all I can say. I can still remember my mother telling the doctor about my behaviours especially the controlling ones when I was 12 or 13 to deal with bullying at school.
And after a break up in 2011 caused me to restrict even more and drank alcohol heavily and messed around with drugs. I've started noticing now that when I don't feel I have control of things happening in my life that is when I control and restrict more. From over a month, I promised myself to change ED behaviours. I even joined a support group and I was happy to see changes in my behaviour and my relationship with food and I thought finally I'm recovered but I'm relapsing again. I'm seeing my psychiatrist this morning and he's going to ask me again the dreaded question, "do you want to get better?," . And this time I'm sure he wants to see my brother. And I'm just not sure how to face my brother, it's very embarrassing and awkward when family is around. I hate to put them through this. In last 20 years, I have always eaten a little just to keep myself afloat to keep out of trouble however, I still feel I have no freedom when it comes to food. I have a voice in my head telling me I can do this, can't eat that, no you have to restrict eating because ..... and so on. It's like the voice is always with me. Like all addictions I have realised I must learn how to manage it because it's never really going to go away. I will update later x x x
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Hi again FA;
I'm so proud of you for sharing your eating disorder story. It takes guts and self insight to say these things. It's also a really important post for others to read who've gone down that path. You're amazing!
You're really brave; coping so well as you suffer at the hands of your own mind. Your psychiatrist sounds great. I asked a member the other day if she wanted to get better because it's one of the basic questions relating to recovery. I'm wondering if you've been able to formulate your answer yet?
Your childhood sounds like it was a trial. Kids are so bloody clumsy and cruel with words aren't they? Our fear/pain tends to internalise at that age, especially while sorting thru hormonal and sexuality issues.
I started reading about homosexuality when I was in high school but didn't know why. Seems the subconscious has its way. Back then in the 70's it was really difficult to find anything relating to sex let alone sexuality, but it just popped up on a turnstile one day out of the blue in a book store.
It's great to see you back here; I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and sharing a little of myself along the way.
Thankyou FA...
Sez xo
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Hi iguess,
loved the poem, short sweet and deep. As a bi guy, I do find it extremely easy to be comfortable and fully intimate with a woman, but I am different with a male partner. I don't have issues with sex with men, but I have never enjoyed kissing another man, or just cuddling... I enjoy sex with men, but that's all it will ever be with me. I have know idea if this common with bi people or not, as it is not something I have really talked about with others before.