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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members
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It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!
There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!
Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.
We just need a name 🙂
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It'sso bleeping quiet around here, I can hear an echo, and that's all.
May as well clean up, stack the chairs and lock up for the night, maybe the whole week end?
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0613 , Clear sky , 3 knt Northerly , 8.5° , 88% . WF 130km east of home x ❤️❤️❤️
Happiness and love wrapped in hugs for everyone today xxxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hello everyone , LD & I are walkabout still and trying hard to mend . Taking a bit more time than expected .
mmMekitty & dng , thank you both for keeping the lights on , xxxx hugs ❤️ . Hope so much you are both well .
Mountains. Of peace and love with lashings of kindness and acceptance , xxxxx hugs ( when wanted or needed ) , FTNN Jo&HRS/LD ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐾💃🌈🌛💤☀️💜
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Hello Jo,
I'm so glad to hear from you. Were there complications? Or is it only the mending which is taking longer than expected?
I have found old thread of yours when you first came to BB and have read through it. You surely have been on quite a journey. My heart goes out to you. You have consciously persevered throughso much to, I don't know ... it it like 'creating' who you are? Your delving deep, bringing out the person inside, one marvellous Jo you are?
Something's happened, I don't know what, & DnG has become Guest9337.
DnG spoke of an incident at a shop where shop staff were abusive in their insisting DnG wear a mask, which, for reasons very similar to mine, DnG cannot wear one. & DnG had not been able to get an exemption. I tried to reach out, explaining my experience, how I got an exemption, but I don't know for sure if the criteria are the same for all states.
Then I read, DnG had severe anxiety responses. Then nothing.
I don't know. I've been sad over it. We'd been playing I Spy, and DnG 'resurrected' a thread about video games, software & technology. I contributed to that, too.
I can't believe, I mean, I don't understand, how I feel so much for the handful of people on BB who I have only interacted with here, not in 'real' life. So when some are not around for days and longer, I find I miss them, you included.
I do struggle with this issue I have between needing people, & not wanting to need them, losing them, & not wanting them to need me in the same way. & knowing all along, you all have lives of your own.
I realise, I don't even have to know much about you, like I know so little about my PDr, to still realise how much I want to hold onto having some people in my mind, if not my life itself.
I had a feeling this would happen when I joined BB. I had this same problem fifteen years ago, when I joined another forum, somewhat like this. It is a pattern with me, that I, on one hand, want very little to do with people, but on the other, depend too much on a few.
I do hope youre feeling well again soon.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️to you & HRS/LD too & anyone reading, especially, DnG, if you are, Jo has some ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️for you..
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0309 , light cloud , Southerly 3 gusting to 4 knots , 15.9° , 48% . WFTNN ( 130 east of home .) x . ❤️
😉 Happiest day you can have with hugs and kindness for all today ❤️❤️❤️ FTNN
Chai tea or coffee and chicken soup perhaps ? Egg & bacon sandwiches seasoned to taste or porridge ? I will cook today for the early shift ! . LD is in charge in the dining room . ❤️
Hello everyone , It is my hope this finds you happy warm and safe . ❤️💜❤️
mmMekitty , thank you for your kind words . You are correct about my journey , in as much as it has been both swift and enormous . There has been much introspection and associated termoil . There has been significant cost at times but the reward of discovery of the true self far outweighs cost . The time spent on the planet ( 68 years & 3 months to the day ) prepared me for this amazing journey of truth and true self . Still much to discover though and adjust also I suspect ! All very fluid . Coming to terms with some things is arduous to scary as well . Time patience determination courage & this new self love are needed to navigate through these diverse adjustments . Much love 💜💜💜💜💜
Being alone and isolated I understand very much the attachment that develops with people we meet on line and the almost rejection feelings when they are busy/ resting etc and not present at times . This in itself brought to me feelings of inadequacy about my life , ie: that they have life and I do not to some degree ( big gaps of alone time ) . We do have lives of course just more spare time perhaps ??
It is very easy to become a bit dependent to at times , which is understandable , as long as I was aware I was able manage that . Sometimes with difficulty.
DnG , are you ok ? I will be in and not in for a while , there is much more ground for me to assess and fix or replace in my journey .
Much peace & love from the never ending never never xxxxxxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💜🐾💃🌈💤🌛☀️
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Thank you so much for that, Jo. It's all a struggle for me, either too much or too little, & taking a certain perspective, I don't quite know how to describe this aspect of my thinking/feeling. I can need to the point of stupidity, & in trying to protect myself from harm or abandonment,stay at such a distance I feel no empathy or compassion, but still, beneath that, want someone to think I am more important than I think I am myself. It is irrational.
Although I am only a few years younger than you, I feel you are far more mature and have been able to achieve a certainty about self that I might only dream of.
I realise I must clarify about what it means when someone turns up as "Guest...", & "Missing User".
Tighten the bolts holding my head on ...? I don't know.. I wish I didn't tie myself up up in knots.
LD is such a great helper around here.
I like a fairly potent garlic aoli, even though it seems to kick back. Same goes for fried onion on my toasted sandwich with a fried egg & salami & cheese! (That really used to be my favourite lunch(. How am I still here, you might wonder).
At least, in this realm I can enjoy them again! No worries. Just don't put Vegemite on it, even though I could also have all the yummy salt I would like, here, too.
Okay, off to give LD a virtual cuddle and a bonus for being so efficiant. 😸 I kept somebones for d & anyone who wants to gnaw on or bury something.
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0910 , clear , 3to4 knt Northwesterly , 25.4° , 41% . WFTNN X . ❤️
Welcome and happiest day you can with mirth love and kindness xxxx hugs ❤️❤️❤️
LD & I are dropping in to say hi .
Our rebuild will take time and that time I suspect will be a lot longer than I think ?
mmMekitty you give me far more credit than I deserve , it has been a long arduous life we have had to get to Jo . Now so much more to learn and do . This learning is mostly a joyful experience . I go where I have to in life , the other option is not pretty .
Today I feel a sadness flavoured with apprehension . We are camped at a free camp near a bigger town out our way and my friend will head home and we will be alone again after an amazingly happy fortnight ? Tomorrow we have appointments in town then back to our broken town where we are not safe . 👎👎👎. It is what it is ?
Much love and hugs peace and acceptance for everyone from the never never xxxxx Jo&HRS/LD hugs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐾💃🌈🌛💤☀️💖
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Keep yourselves safe, & I'll steer the BBQ's, you know, roung them up in a circle...get them all sizzling up a quickstep. 😺Nice.
That 'broken town' is where your home is? It would be awfully sad to stay somewhere where you don't feel safe. Maybe moving would be something else to consider?
Who am I to suggest that? I haven't moved in 21 years, & this social housing complex has steadily gone down hill throughout the time I have been here. The only improvement lately is that one aggressive neighbour no longer lives above me.
The location is surprisingly quiet, so close to a main road, but so quiet. My unit is tucked back away from the street, & I don't have the small car park immediately outside my window, & there are a couple buildings shielding the units at this end of this little building from the sound from the main road.
I was astonished when I first moved in. I discovered just how bad my tinnitus was when other noises from a main road were removed. I actually prefer the tinnitus.
If I was out in a rural area, it might be like having cicadas all day, all night, except while sleeping. That would be too much.
D'you know what? Those sizzling BBQs sound like cicadas, well, a bit. I better go & make sure I am not frying any ...
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ for you both. 🌺🎶☮🌹😻mmMekitty
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1720, clear , light northwesterly, 29' , 35% . X . WFTNN . ❤️
Hi everyone , just a quick hello as I am still not home yet . Things in our town have been going pear shaped in my absence . The man who was ejected from town who was the one who almost got inside to do whatever it was in his mind he intended is back there living in same room across the road from me ? Go figure ?
This frightens me to know he is there and if gets on the ice again ( which is almost inevitable ) he may finish what ever his mind had started that day . He is well built early thirties and does manual labour , he could hurt me badly or kill me if that's what he plans .
When he nearly got in he saw Jo who was unknown in town till then and took 5 minutes to decide that I was a paedophile , which then was spread around the mill and town in less than a day ?
All of this has hurt me far more than I realised and I have had a very bumpy time with it all which nearly ended badly about three weeks ago . Council and Police are having a hard time making any difference to the town. Myself and another couple ( all gender diverse ) are being hunted out of this town by the mill owner who wants to own the town . .?
It all adds up to a nightmare for the three of us who own our homes and are being made scared to stay ! It is horrible feeling like this all the time . So yet again a free camp in Mr A is the bedroom for tonight ,.
Bye now and love from us ❤️💛💚💙💜💕
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Hello Jo,
Oh lass that is horrible for you... I know that wish to not have to move to feel safe, yet feeling scared to stay... but lass sometimes moving is the lesser evil... especially if you can't see things improving... perhaps while you are camping away it might be an idea to look online at what/where you might be able to afford to move to... if you were to sell...
Lass you deserve not just a safe place to live, but somewhere where you feel comfortable to simply be you... such places do exist...
Sending you huggily hugs
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Jo & Friends,
The situation is simply appalling. I hadn't realised things were so bad. I am sure you don't want the bleepers to win, but YOUR safety must come first. & your mental/emotional health, too. The stress must be enormous. It does sound so frightening; I'm scared for you, too.
I'm sure it would be heart breaking to have to sell up, (likely at a lower price than your home is worth), & leave, but, given what you've said, what else can you do? & the friends you have there, too?
I am so grateful to Mr A supporting you as he is. He put a target on his own back doing that.
I wonder, since the local Police (in particular) have not been able to help much, what if you went to their superiors? That 30yr old surely cannot be permitted to threaten you, let alone attempt to do 'whatever'? Nor should the mill owner, any employees, friends, neighbours, etc be able to harass you or anyone, as it seems they have.
I hope you've been able to keep solid records; they could be very useful.
As for the mill owner, the last thing they'd want is bad publicity.
I will be thinking of you.