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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

20,625 Replies 20,625

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone,


Potatoes in the hot coals, sounds yummy…It was a lovely Easter Day here at the cafe, good friends, good food…and a nice warm fire to sit around…I do like to watch the fire dancing around in the wind and the sounds of the woods crackling as they burn….


I imagined laying on my back and watching the kites and Easter bonnets all floating around in the wind, all pretty colours and shapes…


Its cold enough to put my heater on today, cloudy grey skies, strong winds blowing cold air, making a whooshing  sound as it passes through all the gaps around my windows and doors…and the delicate tingles as the wind reaches my wind chimes I have hanging inside my home….free music from our universe…I’ll pass on the heater and instead I’ll snuggle into a soft warm doona and watch an old classic movie screening on tv….


Hoping and wishing everyone has a lovely Easter Monday..




Community Member

dear all 

been a while since i was here at the cafe

unsure what the menu looks like or where the places to sit are haha

i do hope you've all had a good easter break 

i was working over the period, but got to go to an easter service at a cathedral - my partner came along with me and we both liked the tradition. She is not from a christian culture, but like me, she does appreciate the history and the respect that it deserves. 

this year easter was different for me and i have come away from it with a greater sense of respect and gratitude for what i have and have access to in this life

Cheers all and i hope to see you around 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi HanSolo, Grandy, Quirky & everyone

It would seem many of us will be wanting some hot food, so lets keep the BBQ going, & put some more potatoes in the coals. 

Tonight I had my potatoes with fried onion & garlic.

I made a large lunch, (again - wish I could get into making them smaller), with rice & mixed veg & some chickpeas with green leafy stuff, which was from yesterday's salad, which I bought while out. It was way too much so I'd taken half of it home. Lots of green leafy stuff, I'm not sure what. If I don't finish it off tomorrow, I will be wasting it because by Friday, I'm afraid it will be going off.

The lunchtime salad turned out pretty good.

Happy for you, HanSolo. I'm feeling a lot of gratitude for having a roof over my head, even when neighbours make being here unpleasant.

Goodnight all, & may you all sleep safe & well.



Thankyou Kitty (Hey HamSolo! always great to have you on the air!) Hey Grandy...and thankyou for using paragraph breaks as it makes reading any post so much easier 😊


Just a friendly reminder that any new members are always welcome to 'test the water' in the BB Cafe before posting on the main forums. Even if about the weather, the Simpsons or your favorite color 😀 There are many gentle people in the Cafe (and on the forums) that are super understanding and respectful to any member 


my kind thoughts always



Well look who's here...it's Blond Guy!  Haven't seen you in ages and ages oh handsome surfer boy!  I have this craving for sushi...plates and plates of sushi....all kinds...is there any in the Cafe today?

yes yes I know I can find places that sell sushi, I can buy and few and take them home....or savour the delights and fun of a Sushi Train.....but I'm scared of going out to eat by myself, so the Train is out. People going past would see me through the glass full length windows, and I've only been in the door of a nearby sushi take away place....seeing the different kinds and flavours confuses me, I don't know what to choose so I walk past thinking "Gee I'd love some sushi".     I can be mysef in the BB Cafe and you'll accept me, so that's the only place I can come to eat.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Paul, ('surfer boy'? are you into surfing")

It's great to see you here.

I like using the spell checker, punctuation, sentences, & paragraphs because it makes reating easier. When my text-to-speech reader 'reads', it will try to recognise at least some punctuation, I can have it read one paragraph at a time, or down to letter by letter if necessary.

My PC picks up spelling or typing errors, grammar errors, & when a post is a block without punctuation, capital 'I', spelling abriviations like 'yr' or 'ur' it will announce them all. This makes following what is being communicated difficult.

What people post is important.

So, sometimes I copy & paste the text into a word document & edit it myself so I can understand what the person has to say.

It takes a little time, but I choose to do this, primarily because I want to understand & secondarily because I know how tedious it is to type proper English grammar on a mobile phone.

I've tried dictation on my phone, & still have to edit.



Hi Moon

Of-course we accept you, & have lots of sushi.

You know what, if I saw you buying lots of sushi, I'd think, theres's a party I'm not invited to, & you are being very generous to friends.

Truly, though, when I could see better, I might pass by a sushi train, or any cafe or restaraunt, & maybe I'd notice if it was busy or not, or look for what food they have, but not really take any notice of the people eating or waiting to be served. Sometimes I notice if I have to walk between people waiting in a queue, which is taking up room where pedestrians walk, & me, with my cane, I' do't want to run into anyone, or have them bump into me... that's about the extent of it. If I notice an individual, I must admit, these strangers are not retained in my memory for very long at all.

Hmmm, I'm just thinking, I can have my sushi inside out - salmon on the outside, then a layer of cream cheese, then some strips of cucumber, & then a layer of rice & finally a rolled-up seaweed sheet in the middle!  

I think you can guess my favourite sushi roll from that. I also like teriyaki chicken. But definitely no hoarseradish, ginger, or wasibi. I like soy sauce too, but beyond BB Cafe, I won't because of the the saltiness.

Wonder if the sushi train place you want to go to has an online menu? You could then see what they offer & make your selection before going. Do you think that would help?

I've done that sort of thing, to save my support worker having to read all the menu.



Well Mekitty....thank you very much ...my mouth is now watering for sushi, now you have described in great detail your favourites...the salmon one,,,,cream cheese, cucumber strips, seaweed sheet....oh gosh I can taste it now plus the teriyaki chicken!!    I must check out if our Sushi Train has online orders....I never considered that!!

  Yes I could do that....then pick it up!   I can manage that!

When you pick up your sushi order, that would be one step forward for Moonstruck, then?

While this wasn't quite what I had in mind, I'm happy for you.



I could happily go to the Sushi Train if you come with me?