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The BB cafe
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The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.
The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.
Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ...
So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...
Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open
At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe
Important Message from ModSupport:
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads.
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Good morning, Paul,😸
Cuppa?☕ Breakfast? 🍳🍊🥣🥞?
I've been awake for ages, & oh well, getting hungry now, so I'll fix whatever you like.
It was another passing thunderstorm, then my own bodily discomforts bothering me.
Looks like more rain on the way, all the way through this week... feels like winter during the day, but gets too warm overnight. 😾
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Thank you for your advice mmMekitty. It's definitely set me up to help out the situation. Our darling girl sat on my lap for a considerable time last night. It was lovely. The white cat just strolled into the house today (one of my men left it open) looked around, ate what cat food was left, and when my back was turned had a go at my little budgie. So out he went. He will be back and I will be more careful.
Thanks, for the lovely slice of cake I will certainly be back!
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Hi Leisa68,
There's more room available on the padded pool table for any cats (& dogs if they can get a lift), where we all shed as much as we like & knit woolly jumpers for our short-hair friends.😺That's what recycling means to us! (Plus it keeps the hair in food down to a minimum😸)
I really hope things get sorted at your place just as friendly-like as things are here.
I'm in the mood for, (& likely could use) some 🍜chicken soup.
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How lovely to see the Cafe has buzzing.
I really enjoyed meeting mmMekitty the other day, and it's nice to see some more new and familiar faces.
Speaking of printers, I have a funny story. A few years ago when I was studying I printed out my homework, the pages came out with a big, thick, blotchy, black streak down the middle of each page. I lifted the top everything looked in order, checked the paper feed all good there. Gave it another go. Same problem. This time I investigated further removing the cartridge and roller, it was a this point that much to my surprise that a cockroach happily scurried out! I retried printing, the printing was much improved however to this day it still has a few small black marks along what I will call the cockroach line, because despite the cockroach itself surviving the incident unscathed it had somehow managed to permanently damage the roller.
I ask if my teacher would accept a cockroach in my printer as a valid excuse for not getting my homework in on time. Unfortunately not haha
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Oh, look - I'm here again!! But now, after a little warm milk 🥛or 🍮custard, I'll be curling up on the pool table, with thoughts of sleep in my mind. I hope I do more than think about it!🙀
Don't be concerned if I am padding around in a few hours...it no longer surprises me, so don't let it bother you.😸I'll do my best to not knock anything over....
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Funny, a few wks back l set my phone notification- hate that word it's too damn long, anyway, to tweet. And l think it is a real actual recorded bird tweet bc even now after 2 wks, every time l get a message and my phone tweets, l jump and start looking around the room for a bird.
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Hello rx, 😸
There are so many sounds that annoy me, but bird song is not one. I won't have it as my ringtone for incoming phone calls, for that exact reason. It's fine to tell me when a message or mail has arrived. In loud places, though, I might not hear it. But that's often okay, too, as I don't want to answer most while out anyway.
My problem with ringtones is hearing voiceover telling who (if known), is calling over the top of the ringtone, & sometimes, I KNOW I imagine I hear it sometimes, especially when I am waking up or falling asleep. It startles me, only to find no call or message or mail at all was being received. That's when it's time to change my ringtone, again.
What would you like this morning? This cloudy morning, for me), I'll have my usual ☕cuppa.
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Haa yeah , you see , it just goes to show how bad all these electronics and smart rubbish are for us doesn't it. l'd settled into just this just beep once thing for a long time now that was ok. You hear one beep and that's it. lt didn't go on nagging you so you just check it whenever later. l also mute it a lot too even the one beep gets too much some days.
l kinda like this tweet one though , at least it's sort of natural , although l still think there's a real bird somewhere.
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Hi all,
I know this is really naughty but I have the Jaws ringtone on when just a couple of people ring (namely my M-I-L), it's just giving me time to prepare for the latest disaster, I can take a couple of breaths and stand somewhere safe and answer. However I was in a small shop the other day and it rang with the Jaws ringtone and the salesperson was looking at me funny. I explained that it was my phone, I knew what that ringtone meant, and that I wasn't going to answer it..He just about fell on the floor laughing. I'm thinking I might change it.
The boy cat didn't come today, however, it is very gloomy here. Our cat has stayed inside our food cupboard all day pawing the door open if someone mistakenly shut it. I think I might go in there with her.
One cheese toastie and a cappuccino, please...
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Hi Leisa,
I think having a certain ringtone to identify certain callers is a great idea, especially for the reasons you mention - time to pause, breathe, maybe go to a place of privacy, or, if youcan't deal with them in the moment, just let the call go to your voicemail! If it is very important, they can call again or leave a message saying what they need to contact you for. If not, (as usually seems to be the case, for e), they won't.
I only with I could have all 'unknown caller' & no caller ID' calls would be automatically rerouted to my voicemail. Genuine callers (hopefully) will be those who leave a useful message.
😸Toastie coming up - with tasty 🧀overflowing!
Maybe that will entice the cat from the cupboard?