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Quotes that I like

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I couldn't think of a more creative name for this thread so I kept it simple. I love coming across quotes that make me feel good or make me think about a situation in a different light. I have a "little book of confidence" that I used to carry in my handbag for when i needed it and I have a few other little books with quotes that I reflect on now and then

I thought it would be good to share some and encourage others to do the same.

For starters I have:

If you want to know someone's mind, listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions.

People are not addicted to alcohol or drugs, they are addicted to escaping reality.

cmf x

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Hi everyone.

Hello there, Mr Source, and Matt!.

Hopefully we don't have to be a peer supporter to post a quote. I have far too many quotes that I love. At this time of year I like to have family and friends around me. Non judgemental people. I heard this quote the other day and really liked it!.

“I want to be around people that do things. I don’t want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people that dream and support and do things.” ― Amy Poehler

I feel that way about you two guys, Kaitoa and Matt. You've both been very kind, supportive and non judgemental. I love just that. Thank you both for helping me to peacefully dream again.

Wishing us all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


Community Member
Trust is like an eraser, the more you erase your mistakes the less trust is left.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I would like to quote my farther who in reply to a question I forget right now.

"there is a definite chance of a possible maybe."

How committal is that

Community Member
I’m going to stand outside. So if anyone asks, I am outstanding.– Unknown

Community Member

I going to sneak in a second for the day. Love this one because it is awesome to reconnect with friends because of this.

“The biggest ingredient in a best friend is someone whose actions you can respect and who you can truly be yourself around.” –Renee Olstead

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Vince Lombardi: "I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious."

Community Member

All battles leave scars-

Mr. Kip

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
In God we trust; all others must pay cash

Matthew 2:10

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.

Merry Christmas.

Ho ho ho

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

Isaac Asimov