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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Hello Croix & everyone

I just remembered, tonight on ABC tv there is a doco, Barry Humphries: In His Own Words, after Gardening Australia.

I didn't realise there was his memorial service held today, too. I only saw the last 15minutes of it, but it seems his reach & insterests were much wider than I thought.

&, Croix, I'm sure you could find some wonderful quotes attributed to him... I await some curly words from Barry Humphries to appear here, soon.



Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MK, ER and all~

I guess the most appropriate quote from Barry Humphreys, considering the situation, might be:

“It is a good innings, and I don’t know what I attribute it to. But I don’t do exercise and I think that’s the answer.


This rather reminds me of a quote sometimes attributed to Mark Twain:

"Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down quietly until the feeling passes away."


MK, my hearing aids go direct to my iPhone which makes calls amazingly easy, and also allows me to use them for music and books.


Good gear




Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Hello MK and Croix,


Those are funny quotes Croix. A good innings is sometimes attributable to doing something other than what is usually recommended. I am remembering a news story of a woman who got to 100 who spoke highly of her favourite things being beer and bananas, consumed daily. She still liked to shoot cans off a fence post with her rifle on her farm too 😂 It seems having a lot of character seems to go a long way!




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ER, if it is a prerequisite for having a good innings is to have a lot of character then there are a lot of people here on BB who can expect a birthday card from King Charles III or perhaps his successor....  If I reach a century, & get the birthday card, I will send it back, with a note, "No thanks. I'm waiting for a card from the elected head of the Republic of Australia." Of-course, should we do that before I reach that milestone, I won't have to worry.


Thanks Croix. I hadn't thought to see if I could do those things. I would like to find out if they can be aired with my PC, because using my phone for music & books uses a lot of data.

I don't find them comfortable to wear in bed, which I would like, so I could listen to books while lying down, going to sleep, & therefore beable to not have the volume so loud as I do now, to hear from my PC's speakers.

I'd even like to be able hear from the bathroom... that would be very nice, because then I wouldn'thave to 'rewind' the book when I go back to my living/kitchen room. 

Waterproofing would be good, too. especially if they could keep the water from going into my ears when I go swimming or want a shower, but not to interrupt my book, or not hearing the exercising physiologist or my support worker ... who could be talking about anything, for all I know, sometimes.

The more I wear the new aid, the more I think it will need reshaping. 


Had another storm this afternoon, though not as bad as yesterday. It didn't cool the air much & I was still too uncomfortable with the humidity. I went in for another shower, & half an hour later, I felt pretty awful again, but tolerably so. Tonight, I think I'll get in the shower again - so muggy!

No-cook breakfast, lunch or dinner, too. No way!




Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear MK and Croix,


It seems a bit of a storm is building here MK. I feel like I can feel the low air pressure. I hope they can do a good job with the hearing aid reshaping. It will be nice for them to be comfortable in bed. I looked up if there are waterproof hearing aids and according to what I just read there is just one model, Aquaris made by Siemens.


 I hope you are both having a lovely evening,



Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear ER and MK~

Mine are a different brand name but made by Siemens too, which incidentally  made U-Boat engines in WWll. 


They fit on top/behind the ear with an insert on a cord to go into the actual ear canal. Not comfortable wiht head resting on a pillow pressing on them.


I started wiht soft rubber cups, which worked well, however the device kept falling off onto the floor so I got ones that go on the cord and are moulded to my ear. More secure, less comfortable.


No, they do not Bluetooth to a computer or any other device by themselves, just the iPhone. To use wiht a computer, an intermediate Bluetooth remote mic made by the same company does act as a relay from a computer. The downside on my computer is if it is in heavy use then the extra Bluetooth connection makes the computer jerky.


I guess one would have to try it to see.


The hearing aids have good range, wiht phone in one room I'd expect them to still be hearable  in another room. They are NOT waterproof. I have ones wiht disposable batteries as hte inbuilt rechargeable ones do not last my very long day.


MK how come you are not planing on eating anything -too tired and hot?





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Valued Contributor

Hi ER,

I bet the Aquaris wouldn't be funded by the Government...  but really, what I get paid for by the Government is actually quite good, at its most basic level. I really don't need 'bells & whistles' which could cost $,$$$'s out of my own pocket (what a fantasy - $,$$$'s in my pocket!). I can get new hearing aids every two years, or if my hearing changes to the extent a new hearing aid is required, or (as has happened) I lose one/both, & pay a small fee & get a stat. dec. signed stating how it/they were lost... then I could get new hearing aids earlier.

Much the same as for glasses, if I wanted.

Personally, I prefer to buy frames, rather than have any of the free (Government funded) frames. Though in truth, all the lenses do is make most of the crap I see appear bigger.


Stay safe,



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Valued Contributor

Croix, I'm eating - just not cooking. Everything raw! 

I was thinking of a cooked dinner tonight, but it is still far too hot & humid here, even at this hour of 11:40, when I ought to be going to bed, to even consider cooking anything. But I do have late night grumbles in my tummy, so I want something to snack on before bed, anyway.

Gosh, how did it get so late again!?! I've be on BB for 4 hours, tonight! (but I had a little coffee in some chocolate custard earlier, so yes, I am up late anyway, barely thinking I am tired yet, thus I am surprised at how late it is!


I'll be happy if the left can be reshaped to be comfortable to wear, without expecting them to be comfortable to wear in bed. No, not expecting that.

A pair I had some years ago, were small & tucked into my ears, no loopy coil, no piece over the ear, but they did have a cute plastic, silver stem with a nob on the end to help with getting them out of the ear. Only problems I had with them was replacing the filter, cleaning & the noise wind would make when blowing directly on them. I don't have these problems now.




Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Croix & Mrs C & everyone,

I'm being good - listening out for sleigh bells, through the rain... we might have a bit of a problem there, with all the rain everywhere, getting Santa's schedule sorted so we don't have anyone missing out...  but just in case, I'm really being good. I only brought one Big Pesky Penguin, made of this beautiful camphor laurel wood ....


....oh, dear, can you hear the little voices singing from within? Drats, there goes my surprise of an igloo inundated with more inebriated kiwis than you ever could have imagined could fit in a camphor wood Penguin....


Merry Xmas, peace & joy to you & yours.



Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MK, ER and all~

I'm afraid I must take your first statement wiht a pinch of salt, mmMekitty and 'wel' behaved' do not seem to sit comfortably in the same sentence.


I'm not sure rain is a problem for Santa as I suspect he is always being snowed on, it is just that in warmer places it is gone before you see it.


I've never heard of a Trojan penguin before, the inhabitants sound as if they are having a good time. By the itme they get to my igloo I suspect they wil be ready for a peaceful snooze.


Anyway I hope you all have an excellent Christmas. In passing I'd like to say I do read some  of your other posts, though do not contribute, as you both to such an excellent job of giving comfort and advice.

