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A-Z Of films/movies

Community Member

Hi All,

just a thread of films/movies starting from A through to Z.

i will start and being the person I am i will start with

Jaws- a film that left me scared of going in for a swim for a year or two,



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Rain Man

Saving Private Ryan

The Talented Mr Ripley.

Umbrellas of Cherbourg 1964

Community Member

i have a suggestion, well 2 actually:

A-Z of actors & actresses.

A-Z of TV shows.

i don't feel comfortable making the thread myself but if anyone would like to (no pressure of course)?

and to answer a movie for V: Vera Drake (2004).

Welcome to Mooseport (2004)
Big laughs when Gene Hackman and Ray Romano find themselves in a hilariously heated race for mayor of Mooseport, Maine.

Dear Robthomaslover~

I think your ideas are great, particularly the TV shows, but I also think you should be the one to start it yourself and reap all the credit:) it is not difficult, you will find "how do I start a thread" in the first post which is written by Sophie)_M


Sing out if you get stuck


i could try, that stuff just makes me anxious that's all. when i was mb20lover, i was anxious to make my own threads, just like i am here, although i only have the one of my own.

Dear Robthomaslover~

While i can understand your reluctance you probably think me an inconvenient pain by suggesting you start a thread. Frankly I do it firstly to show you that you can with something that is not htat hard to do, and secondly I would really look forward to the programs you might list. I get a lot out of other people's movies and also music.

TV shows are a particular interest of mine.

If you wanted ot go ahead I'd start you off with the hard letter "Z"

Z-cars (1962-1978)

A British TV cop show of the 60's. Long running and was the first to introduce a harsher and more realistic view of police procedurals. A refreshing change from the saccharine sweetness of "Dixon of Dock Green"


P.S. If you decide you do not want to do this, that's quite OK and no reflection on you, I guess I'm just the pushy sort:)

i'll think about it Croix, i usually keep my interests to myself because people make fun of them & me, & people don't know the things i like.

i know Z Cars, trying to find an episode called Some Girls Pick 'Em, sadly i can't find that, & a few things an actor i like (my profile picture, a fan art drawing from Google, not mine) is in that i can't find either.

movie: Wall-E

Rob Thomas lover

like both your ideas, with actors you could do international or Australian.

like your ideas .

not sure what letter we are up to now on this thread.?