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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak

We recognise that many of us here in the community are feeling scared, worried and overwhelmed about Coronavirus (COVID19). 

As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space. 
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected. 
The Beyond Blue Support Service is available via phone 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via beyondblue.org.au/get-support for online chat. 
There are some other helpful discussions taking place here within our forum community that you may find helpful to read or participate in: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/hi-there-i-only-just-joined-and... 

This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.  
3,208 Replies 3,208

Thank you for your kind words. I think each of us needs to do whatever we can to keep each other safe regardless of the actual rules. That doesn't mean living like a hermit but going to less busy places. Spending time with friends outside rather than inside when possible. Wearing masks unless you have a valid exemption. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. That kind word could make a difference to someone on the edge to help them make a better choice rather than doing something stupid.

Community Member

People I care about may be fired from their job, if they choose not to be vaccinated. People that need to provide for their families, their little ones. How is that for freedom of choice? Sounds like blackmail, bribery or coercion to me.

Employers offering discounts, free vouchers etc to employees if they chose to get the jab. Sounds like bribery to me.

Hey Shelleybelly!

You have been on the forums longer than I have and as always you speak from the heart 🙂

Just my humble opinion....I would rather the vaccine be mandated than be comatose on a ventilator...

my kindest always


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Shelll

I felt exactly the same way early on when the vaccines started and there was talk of not being allowed to do things if not vaxed. I was adamant I wouldn't do it, wouldn't be forced just to live my life. When I saw there seriousness I started to change my mind. My yr 12 daughter can't attend school, my little miss not having social interaction and playing with friends, my son deferred uni. When I had my first jab I was angry and upset that I felt cornered. My son begged me to get it so we could have our lives back and be safe. I now feel I've done the right thing by protecting myself, my family and our hospital system (which is the reason for vaxing). In fact, I don't want to return to the office with unvaxed colleagues as they could pass it on to me, me to my family etc.

Shelll, I understand your feelings, I really do but I see how serious this is, the case numbers scare me and I don't want to be scared of myself or my kids stepping out the front door. I respect the wishes of those not wanting to be vaxed, but I don't want to be around them, just in case. Ido agree it sounds like bribery etc but I guess it has become so serious they see no other way to encourage people.

I hope none of your loved ones lose their jobs.

Cmf x

There definitely is a sad side to the mandate but I agree with you Paul.

I think the problem with the virus is how quickly itcspreads with people transmitting it before they even feel sick at all. Some seem to get very mild symptoms if any but can still spread it while others become extremely ill. My dtr had almost no symptons but friends of my other dtr almost died and suffer long term problems. It seems the only way to control this pandemic is vaccinations so we can get back to a more normal life and have hospitals that aren't overwhelmed. In my church along with many others we fasted and prayed for help in controling the pandemic to protect everyone. It seemed to me that the vaccine was an answer to our prayers. I understand not everyone will think this way. Getting vaccinated gave me a good feeling tbat I was doing my bit to protect not only myself but everyone I ccome in contact with. I was particularly keen to do whatever I could to avoid getting sick so I couldn't care for my hsb. I wanted to do all I could and then have the faith that God would then do the rest. I understand everyone sees things differently and we need to accept each other regardless of different points of view.

Hi Elizabeth, I like Ur last point. Accepting and caring for others.

Today I struggled a bit, not sure if it's opening up feels, triggers, etc. the traffic did depress me a bit.

I'm not sure what would be scarier at this point.

Not having closeness/ contact with others, or having contact with others. I guess I got used to this separation and distance.

Community Member

Yeah , l notice Elizabeth you often talk about caring for others and looking after each other , it's a beautiful thing that we don't hear enough of in this country.

Hiya sleepy , l could imagine how bizarre it all must be feeling and the traffic alone l'm afraid l don't envy everyone down there one bit with that. Hate to sound selfish but l've for once often enjoyed trips we've had to do through or around Melb this last 18mths, if only they'd give me the whole road to myself all the time huh.

But yeah it is all very very strange and this reopening with still yet such numbers tbh , is a bit of a worry. l must admit l'm a little concerned for Vic right now and of course our medical people and hospitals. We wanna be free again but now that it's here and yet at this time it kinda feels like a very mixed blessing.

l got my second Vax last wk myself. l really wanted to wait the original 12 wks between the two tbh as l've read research shows it's much more effective which is pretty well common sense l'd say anyway. But then with reopening l've had this second vax sorta weighing around on my mind and it was already booked for 6wks so in the end l thought to hell with it, just get it.

So nice to see on the news so many people out there and celebrating after everything we've been through but admittedly , it was also pretty scary tbh.


I find it hard to understand why people don't get vaccinated. I'm all for vaccines. Now that I've had mine I feel safe. And I'll get a booster next year. A couple of cafes I go to aren't allowing people to dine in as some staff aren't fully vaccinated. It's annoying when I turn up at 7am like this morning to be told that. The vaccines are our way out of this mess. Delta is so infectious. Keep well.

Community Member

l don't understand what's going on with Dan.

18mths and he's had us locked up longer than any other city in the world but now it's like he woke up flipped a coin and suddenly with 2k cases a day he's pushing to the exact opposite extreme within wks.

Seems very strange with still so many cases suddenly just throwing the gates wide open within a wk or two. Numbers are likely to explode on to extreme over the next few mths now surely , vaxed or not, or are they?

UK's back to 50k a day after doing the same thing.
