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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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Hi, Rx,
agreed with you on the small businesses. When i went out with my friend who is in the mining sector back in Nov, I got so offended the way she was thinking. i.e. the border needs to close to protect the mining sector in WA and she doesn't want the jab. I lost my job as a result of the close border! I got the jab 6 months ago because i wanted to do it for the community and moved forward. I used to fly every month for work and now ZERO for the last 2 yrs (not that i have a job now). Yet, she told me who cares about my profession as it doesn't contribute much for the economy. A bit like screw the rest of you as long as they get to fly in and out, not affecting their lifestyle and earn money. And ppl like me who do the right thing, follow all the rules and end up having to be punished for not living my life and earn money?!
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I'm sorry the media keep hammering St Vincent's Hospital for the error with the Covid tests. I think over Christmas when news is quiet they're desperate for something to put on air.
I know it shouldn't have happened, but a doctor friend tells me he and his colleagues are exhausted, they have so many staff off because either they're sick with covid or a contact and have to isolate, both other doctors and especially the nursing staff.
He said the nurses at the vaccination hubs and testing clinics are tired out. They've been on their feet putting jabs in people or swabbing noses for month after month now and they need a break and want their Christmas just like anyone.
People complain about the queues but forget how overworked and tired the staff and nurses are.
So it's worth realising the pressure these people are under who are working to help keep us well.
My usually happy doctor friend was so tired and upset he sounded fed up. I don't blame him.
Be nice to the nurses and staff if you can, they're doing their best! Maybe thank them for all they do to try to help us.
Thanks everyone! 🙂
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From our own litttle bubble of self-awareness it is so easy to lose sight of the bigger picture & how all the other people around us have their own pressure & stress, so thank you, Hanna, for bringing these hard-working people back into my view. They have friends & families too, people they care about & would be thinking all the time about how they are putting themselves & their own family & friends at risk to be able to offer their expertise & care to us.
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Hi everyone.
I think I'm having a bit of a rough time at the moment with the pandemic and I'm not entirely sure how to pinpoint it. It think it's just been two long years of pandemic and I'm sick of it.
I'm currently in isolation because I had my 17th PCR test yesterday because I had some minor hayfever-like symptoms (I'm prone to getting hayfever around this time of year). I don't have them anymore though. But I had a panic attack about it, and I often have panic attacks or just get very anxious if I start getting symptoms.
People often think it's because I'm scared of covid in terms of my own health, but that's really not true. I am young and healthy and vaccinated and I believe that if I were to get covid, I wouldn't become seriously ill or die. 99% of my anxiety is based around accidentally giving it to others and the guilt that'd make me feel. Also, less so, the thought of having to isolate for 10 days scares me. I get very achey and quite depressed if I can't get out for a walk everyday. But most of my anxiety lies in accidentally giving it to others. Is that other people's main concern too?
I also feel awkward at the moment with my friends and family, because I'm the most cautious about covid out of any of them (clearly, as I've had 17 PCR tests). They often tell me I'm too cautious and I often feel judged or made to feel like I'm crazy. Although I acknowledge that I can be a bit pedantic and anxious about it, to the point that sometimes it stops me enjoying my time with my friends and family or just not going and doing things with them and therefore it's a bit of an issue, it doesn't help that I'm often made out to just be crazy and uptight and no fun. I may cross over the line between rational concern to being plain paranoid often, but that also doesn't mean that I want to be treated like I'm crazy every time I say 'no, I don't want to go to the pub with you' because of covid, for example. I think that, even if I didn't have much anxiety about it all, I still would think it sensible to not go to the pub right now - particularly as I'm not yet boostered.
Anyway, thanks for letting me rant. Hopefully my results come back today and hopefully they're negative. The lines were very long yesterday so I'm preparing for a bit of a long wait for results.
Let me know if you relate to anything I said. No one in my life relates. I live alone and so I often feel like my worried thoughts go into an echo chamber.
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Hello 1997grrrl & welcome to the forum.
I think your anxiety is understandable, & common.
Pubs are higher risk environments.
It sounds to me like you are doing your best to keep up with the latest information about COVID-19, & with the new strain - which not so much is known about as yet anyway, so, you're being cautious.
What do they keep saying? Any symptoms, get tested. You've been doing that, even when you've been sure it's your hay fever. If you do think you are getting unnecessary tests, then speak to your GP, or see if you can call the COVID-19 number in your state. I seem to recall a little proviso, about whether the symptoms you feel are different to any usual symptoms you might have - like you know what your hay fever symptoms are usually like, so if what you are experiencing is different then follow up with a test for COVID-19.
My confusion is that the symptoms for so many things can all seem so very similar, how would we ever be quite sure we don't need a test?
It's been a long two years, & many people are sick of it.
This new Omicron variant, being more transmissible would be of concern for people who think about what it would mean if they caught it & infected those around them. Perhaps if you could think of it as you think of cold or flu. You don't deliberately catch cold or flu & pass it onto others, or feel guilty about that, (I hope), so you would not be 'guilty' of passing on COVID-19 either. You can do everything you are, & still a slight chance, something you cannot prevent, happens, & so you may pass it on.
I think everyone is responsible for how much risk they are willing to accept. You have made a decision about that. I'm sorry if people around you don't respect your decision.
I wonder, if where you are living, there is no way to get outside & walk where you would feel comfortable? If you are not doing strenuous exercise, you could consider wearing a mask.
If your anxiety is impacting your life & relationships enough to concern you, maybe it's time to talk to your GP & get a referral to a counsellor/therapist?
I hope this helps.
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Hi mmMekitty, thanks for replying to my post.
Yes, I've read that too about 'if your symptoms are different than usual...' sort of thing. It's just that it's so hard to tell. Because I often also get psychosomatic symptoms when I started worrying about whatever real symptoms I may be experiencing, no matter how mild. And I'm not even quite sure how real my symptoms are sometimes. The only way I can really tell is if they go away when I'm distracted from them. And so I know what my real symptoms are now, which is consistent with my usual hayfever, but I still can't really go around and see people and be out in public with a good conscience about it. Because my mind will always be saying "well what if you're wrong, what if it's not hayfever, what if..." and so I just get a test to put my mind at ease and have confidence. But since I regularly get little minor symptoms, particularly around this time of the year, I end up having a lot of tests! And I don't see that ending anytime soon, with the increased amount of cases (I'm in Victoria).
I just think it's the responsible thing to do. Reading your reply makes me feel like I'm actually not quite as 'crazy' as I'm often made to feel. In the end, I am just following the recommendations of the government and health authorities. I suppose I'm just struggling to be able to define the line between what's a rational and healthy level of concern and anxiety about this virus and what is just paranoia and unhealthy behaviour. The response I seem to get from my friends and family about my vigilance whenever I get a test or I avoid going certain places, etc, makes me believe that I'm quite paranoid. But maybe I just have different boundaries to others? I don't have as high of a 'risk tolerance' as others? And that's ok?
I do acknowledge that I can have an unreasonable amount of anxiety sometimes. I often feel sad and resentful and anxious about the fact that I have to be worried about covid at all. I just want it over with. But the more I think about it, the more I realise that I think half of my anxiety is just the perception I have of other people. How I think they'll react to me if I get covid and accidentally expose them. How I think they'll react when I say no to going to the nail salon or the pub with them. It's just often met with judgement.
And yes, I go for a walk everyday usually. Unfortunately I can't today though, as I'm still in isolation after my test yesterday and I am definitely missing it.
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Hi hanna
Yeah l could imagine within the medical system what they're all going through here and even more so around the world and now from what you've said.
Just wanna add l wasn't for a second referring to the medical end of things and the staff , with lines and what have you. They're obviously going above and beyond and doing their very best with the hand the Gov has has given them. l'd rather be in my car waiting in a line than doing their day and workload and thank the Gods we have them all is all l can say.
But nah more so just commenting on the waits and lines themselves, nothing to do with them and if anything that end must be Gov or poor design from gov or something , but def' not from the medical personal. My ex w was a nurse and they're amazing people.
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Hi rx,
Don't know about these long lines.,.,seems pretty dumb the government can't organise this stuff so that tests are accessible.
Hope no one has to wait too long....I think lots of kids are being tested now after social stuff over summer holidays etc and I wander how they can wait so long, guess it is a hard time now
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Hi randomx
Nothing I said was directed at you mate - not for a moment!, I was feeling sorry for the poor people at St Vincent's who were copping all the flack from the press when they must 8 overwhelmed, and my friend had sounded so exhausted trying to cope with all his patients! I just thought we should all try to remember how pressured and tired our poor health care workers are in these times. It was the media I was feeling a bit cross with as I thought they should give these poor people a break!
Sorry if it came across the wrong way my friend!
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Ahh, no problem H. l actually thought it was very considerate bc the medical side of things in all this do deserve huge recognition and appreciation.