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Throwing up regularly

Community Member

I’ve had a bunch of anxiety disorders for years, mostly agoraphobia and social anxiety but lately I get nausea and anxiety every time I eat, I now throw up after meals almost every day and keep losing weight because of it. I’m also failing every uni course. I’ve seen many psychologists over the years but they never help. What should I do?

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Bobby,

Welcome to beyond Blue and well done for reaching out.

I would like to suggest, that if you haven't already, you could perhaps go and see your doctor. There could be something in your diet that does not agree with you? Like a food intolerance, for example. I know that when I have dairy products, I feel sick afterwards. And the more dairy I have, the worse the nausea is, to the point where, yes, I could quite easily vomit.

Other than that though, I don't really know what else to suggest?

In the meantime, you are welcome to come here as much as you like. I do hope you get some answers soon. Take care. I'll be thinking of you. xo

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi RealBobby

I'm sorry you have been struggling with frustrating symptoms like nausea. In addition trying a new psychologist, seeing a GP may be beneficial for you, to curb the nausea and help prevent weight loss? In terms of your uni courses, maybe letting your uni know so that they can be aware and support you even in a small way may be a big help. You can also keep chatting in this thread, Soberlicious96 has some great dialogue too.

I definitely recommend seeing a GP or a specialist to help with the constant vomiting. For more insight into finding different types of mental health resources outside of a psychologist (whom you say isn't working for you) see this thread: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/treatments-health-professionals-and-therapie....

Let us know how you,
