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Skin crawling

Community Member
I thought my anxiety was going ok, but I don't know. I had a bad moment for weeks in march. Now I'm going okish. But I still have in the back of my head I have ms. I've had a ct scan on my brain and it came back clear. I have a buligng disc which is causing pins and needles. But even when I think I'm "calm" I've been getting crawling feels over my stomach, abdomen, then just random small tingles in different spots. I nearly always breath shallow so I don't know if it's related to that. I become so focused on what I'm feeling I stress out. I'm still getting anxious just not so bad. But these symptoms do not help. I don't know if it's all anxiety :(:(
6 Replies 6

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hi M1ssjess89,

It sounds like you are having some bad health anxiety. It can be really hard to calm yourself down, especially when health scares are all over the media right now.

Your symptoms could definitely be caused by anxiety, especially if you are breathing too shallow and your body isnt getting enough oxygen.

However, these symptoms should clear after your panic goes away and you start breathing normally again.

Have you tried a meditation app or breathing exercises? This can help you focus on your breath and taking slow breathes. Breathing exercises can help bring your anxiety down pretty quickly once you get the hang of it. My favourite app is Smiling Mind, but there are plenty out there to choose from.

Kind thoughts, Jess

Community Member

Hi M1ssjess89,

Do you like swimming? Maybe some activity which you have to pay some attention to but is still comfortable. Another thing to consider with the breathing exercises. Perhaps you'd prefer to be doing something not so focussed on yourself and still means you have to deep/regular breathe.


Unfortunately not a major fan of swimming. I have asthma so I can't take the best of deep breaths.
I do weightlifting and that helps me. But I'm a new mum and I'm finding it hard to find time to do it.

Yes I find meditating makes my anxiety worse as I'm self aware to every physical feeling.

I'm just having panic attacks on and off. My head keeps telling me I have some neurological disease or something. I get the skin crawling feeling over my stomach, random spots on my legs etc. I don't know if they're related to bulging discs but it's freaking me out.

Hi M1ssJess89,

Becoming a new mum is when my anxiety hit the roof. After my bubs was born I was so happy, but also so scared and panicked. Sleep deprivation made everything 100 times worse.

Speaking to a psychologist really helped me get through. Unfortunately there was a long wait to get in, so I used the PANDA hotline (1300 726 306) a few times which was also really helpful. Just speaking to someone who has been through the same thing is comforting.

Kind thoughts, Jess

Thanks so much. I have an appointment to see a physcologist in just under 2 weeks. My little girl is 9 months now. My anxiety hit the roof about 2 months ago and I haven't been able to fully calm down since.

Good on you for making an appointment. That's a great step towards recovery.

I know its awful to feel that way. I felt the same and then I felt guilty for feeling that way. Like I was not being a good mum if I wasn't happy all the time.

I started taking anti anxiety medication when my son was 18 months and I couldn't believe how much better I felt. I still worry about stuff - but as a mum that is always going to happen!!! But now I dont feel like my anxiety is pulling me under.

I hope your first appointment goes well.
