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Severe anxiety

Community Member

Hey members I am new 

I am wanting to know some tips and tricks with out medication for dealing with severe anxiety 

I have a two year old and a 5 month old I am at home with they are amazing kids 

But during the day and evenings I am getting a tight throat, chest pain, feel like my lungs/chest are heavy ,body is lethargic all the time I am getting face tingles and feel like there is so much pressure in my forehead it’s going to explode sometimes what has anyone done about this if they have suffered it ? 

1 Reply 1

Mark Z.
Community Champion
Community Champion



I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with severe anxiety. Are you still able to maintain a healthy life? including eating healthy food, going to bed in time, doing some regular exercise. Your physical status will impact your mental health.


It is also important that you have someone to talk to, do you have family members and/or close friends who are listening, caring and supportive? You need their help during this tough period.


There are some techniques for coping with anxiety, for example, practicing deep breathing, turning your attention to the things you enjoy doing, writing in a journal to gain perspective on your thoughts and feelings, etc. However if you feel these strategies are not working for you, do not hesitate to seek professional help, starting from your GP.


Hope everything will be better.
