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psychosis , panic attacks or generalised anxiety disorder
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had drug induced psychosis that came from me taking illicit drugs. I
was prescribed an antipsychotic. I took it for 6 months
like she advised, and about a month ago i stopped taking it.
I got lots of withdrawal symptoms. I felt this constant fear and felt
very weird. I started thinking too deep into things again like life and
reality. Thats what freaks me out the most when i start thinking about
what life is and things like that. I am constantly scared that im being
sucked back into a drug trip and that ill be stuck in it
forever in this bad trip hell. after a few weeks off the medication i
started feeling ok. but the weird feeling was always there.
ive never had delusions or anything like that.
I drank a fair bit of alcohol last night and have felt really really bad
all day like im not normal its like im trapped. i went for a drive
today and while my friend was talking my hand started getting sweaty i
was getting hot and i was in this weird state where i was in a weird
state and i felt very unreal and was intensly scared but could still
talk to my friend and pretend i was ok, it lasted a couple of minutes,
but after it i still felt very weird.
I dont know if im getting psychosis or panic attacks or i have generalised anxiety disorder.
I do have the antipsychotic pills with me but it took me so long to get off
them and withdrawals were hell and putting on weight while on the pills
was depressing, i dont want to take the pills if i really dont have to
im really just not sure if i should or if i should ride it out
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Hi there,
Welcome to the forums and well done for coming forward and asking serious questions. I've been on an antipsychotic for about 2.5 years now and have tried a few times to come off it and noticed the severity of withdrawals. There are heaps of drawbacks to the medication but you really have to weigh up whether those side effects are worth it versus the potentials of not taking them. Apart from the medicinal route, do you seek out any therapy? Do you engage in things to improve your mental health like exercise, socialising etc.? Meds can help a bunch but far too many people see them as the sole solution. Health is a wholistic set of circumstances and you need to address it through a litany of realms to have a sense of wellbeing.
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Hi the australian
I know Pat has great advice above
Ive been on meds for about 20+ years and can understand the withdrawal part of what you are saying as Pat did.
Like yourself I have always been physically fit and eaten a very healthy diet and socialised too. It didnt make much difference to me either.
I have someone that I try to care for taking an illicit substance (meth) and have been going through the same withdrawals as you are. (not that its the same substance of course) and they found the withdrawals less severe after circa 12 months after being on their anti-psychotic.
I understand everyone different of course, just some input for you that may help a little.
the forums are a judgemental free zone and you are more than welcome to post back, even if you just need a chat
my kind thoughts for you aussie
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Hi Aussie
Thanks for posting back!
I was just saying that the withdrawals are less intense after being on the meds going for 12 months
Thats just a person I am trying to care for not for anyone else.
It may not apply to everybody, I was just letting you know about another sufferer. They just took the meds for approx 12months or more before they stopped taking them. Pat (above) also had withdrawals after 2.5 years....after being on the anti-psychotics.
I hope this info is of some help to you aussie...Its just other peoples experiences that may help a little
my best
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Hi the-Australian, good to meet you. WIthdrawing from any medication can be hell and not something that should be done suddenly or without medical supervision. The effects of withdrawal can last quite a while and be unpredictable.
We can't advise on what drugs, if any, you should be taking, but I do strongly suggest you get to your doctor or psych as soon as you can. If you're drug-free at the moment (prescribed and illicit) then you're in a good place to begin a new treatment, whether drugs or therapy, self-care or all of the above. But you need professional assessment about what's happening at the moment.
If you want to stay drug free, tell your doctor and ask for clear info on what the possible outcome will be if you stay that way, so at least you know what to expect.
It's very important with psychiatric drugs to be well-informed on what they do, what side effects there might be and how long-term they might be. And what the possibilities are without them. Then you can make informed decisions.
It sounds like you look after yourself well with food and exercise etc. Self-care is very important, so well done. And I probably don't need to tell you but booze and other non-prescription drugs really don't help when we're unwell, and certainly not if we're taking medications. Take it easy with those hey?
Very best wishes to you, and let us know how you're going.
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I do have an appointment with the psych but not for a month, thats the problem.
i do want to stay drug free because i hated being on medication. But one thing the psych said was " if you dont take this, this will turn into a whole nother level of crazy "
so does that mean, if someone has drug induced psychosis and seems relativly normal but is feeling weird. If the do no take medication it will get worse until they end up crazy?
because if so, i dont wanna risk that and ide probably take the pills just incase :l