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Pregnancy triggering ED

Community Member

Hi all,

I had quite severe anorexia as a young adult. It coincided with a lot of other issues including complex PTSD and culminated in psychosis, the medication for which caused rapid weight gain and as a result my ED was never directly treated.

I am currently in my second trimester of pregnancy. At the start of my pregnancy my BMI had reached 30 (obese) due to stress eating from fertility treatment, my psych meds and PCOS.

My husband is extremely controlling and obviously with pregnancy I am gaining weight rapidly, both issues being huge triggers for my anorexia. I am trying my best to eat ‘enough’ for the baby and physically my health is fine due to a high starting weight, but mentally I feel like I am falling apart. The only thing I have that I feel would help me cope right now, restricted eating, is not an option.

I have had a long MH history and frankly I’m sick of doctors, although I have tried seeking help I’ve mostly been brushed off on this issue. Granted I haven’t been very persistent.

I don’t really know what I came here to ask but after being told today that I need to wait at least a month to see someone, who will probably brush me off again, I just wanted to get it off my chest in a (hopefully) judgment free zone.

Just looking for some comfort or alternative coping strategies, tips for getting the docs to take this seriously etc.

thanks guys

1 Reply 1

Hi thisisalongshot,

We're really sorry to hear you've been trying to seek help and not received the support you need. That's incredibly invalidating and difficult to deal with. If you'd like to talk through that experience with someone, our counsellors are here for you.

We’d really recommend speaking to the Butterfly Foundation about this, as they might have some advice around managing these feelings in pregnancy. Their counsellors are absolutely lovely, and you can reach them on 1800 33 4673, or  chat online or via email (helpline and online chat run 8am – midnight AEDT, 7 days a week).

We're sorry to hear that your partner is controlling, that's not ok. No one should make you feel that you're not in control of your life and decisions. We encourage you to have a chat with one of the lovely people at 1800Respect to discuss how your relationship is going, and to make sure you feel safe and free from abuse within your relationship, they're on 1800 737 732, or you can reach them on online chat, here: https://chat.1800respect.org.au/#/welcome

There’s a bit of advice for having a conversation with a health professional here, but we know it isn't easy especially when you've felt brushed off. One method community members have shared in the past is writing it down to hand to or read to your doctor to help keep you clear on your aims. 

Thanks again, and well done for sharing here, hopefully we'll hear from the community soon. This is a judgment-free space, so please feel free to share, knowing that you'll be met with understanding. We're sorry to hear how things have been, and we want you to know that we're here for you. 

Kind regards,

Sophie M