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please share opinions on medication

Community Member
i have been struggling lately with what i feel is anxiety and depression, i get very agitated and i’m not very motivated anymore.. i’m constantly tired i don’t want to move or make effort to make myself better. but last night and more frequently i’m finding myself just crying on the floor jjst thinking and dwelling about everything and even having suicidal thoughts, feeling worthless and like a terrible daughter / girlfriend / friend to everybody around me, i don’t even do terrible things to anybody but i still feel selfish for the smallest things for example not eating dinner that someone cooks for me when i’m not hungry. i feel ungrateful? . physically? i get severe heart palpitations and i feel like i’m going to die of a heart attack. i immediately feel tired and dizzy afterwards , i have spoken to my GP and they reccomeded a phsycologist , which i have been seeing, and medication.. can anybody please tell me if medication truly helps and if anybody has found it to be life changing. i have been dealing with episodes of depression and anxiety my whole life and i’m ready to accept that my condition can not be helped on my own, i do need more help.. my boyfriend suggested this website to me so here i am , please all i ask for us advice on medication before i make the decision and commitment to taking them probably for the rest of my life.
3 Replies 3

Hi zeldadiana,

Thank you so much for sharing this with us here today. We're sorry to hear you're going through such a difficult time but you've taken a brave and important step -- not only in reaching out in this safe, non-judgmental peer support space, but in seeking help from your GP and giving some talk therapy and medication a go. We want you to know we're here to give you as much support, advice and conversation as you need.

If you think your struggles have been exacerbated by the COVID 19 restrictions, then we'd recommend checking out our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service - https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/. You can phone our specially trained and qualified mental health professionals there anytime of the day or night on 1800 512 348. Please know that help is always available. For crisis support you can always call our friends at Lifeline on 13 11 14. If ever you feel you're in immediate danger of harming yourself or others, then it's an emergency and you should call 000 immediately. There are other free support services you might find useful also and here's a list you might find helpful: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/national-help-lines-and-websites

Please keep checking in and letting us know how you're getting on when you feel up to it.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi zeldadiana

Welcome and I hope you find the support you get here part of journey to healing. I have. I'm not 'healed' yet btw lol that would be jumping the gate quite a bit, but hopefully you feel comforted. Phoning the helpline is a really lovely thing to do for yourself and those around you. There are people who understand and there is hope!

It sounds like you feel very overwhelmed by the thoughts and self judgement going on in your head. You sound like an extremely empathic soul, worrying about others around you.

I am sure you wouldn't be a person to hurt someone else ever intentionally. Big hugs.

I'm glad to hear you're getting help. HIGH FIVE sister!

Sometimes we're not a great match with a counsellor or psych. I take 'a measure' of how I'm feeling before my appointment (like on any scale you like) and if I'm feeling 'better' afterwards. For me, this means my counsellor is helping me. No one (really) can change the world around you but a really engaged counsellor can help you look at things differently, show you techniques to manage your anxiety, definitely move you forward in your healing journey. Sometimes they may validate your feelings or sensitively nudge you away from those ideas you're holding strong to.

Meds? Well tbh you don't have to worry about it being a lifetime commitment AT ALL. Everyone just wants you to be here to live your life and happily too! I skyrocketed about similar things recently and it's just too hard. Throw it on the pile for later. Deal with this moment.

I want you to visit the self-care forums. I want you to do self care no matter how much you hate me for suggesting it lol. Just ONE thing. A tiny thing. Drink water maybe? Have a long, hot bath? Hand cream, oh IDK lol, you tell me.

Let us know how you get on.

Hi ecomama

Wow your response has made me cry tears of joy. to see that someone out there actually responding to me and relating to me is making me feel so grateful. i feel comforted on being on my way to self healing already.

I do always worry about what others think about me , which i don’t always need to because i always put others first but i still can’t help but feel selfish sometimes when i act out in frustration and anger from my OCD and anxiety. i never hurt anybody ever i just don’t know how to control my emotions lately.. i’m either so frustrated i see nothing but what i’m focused on, and i’m either crying? or both. it’s overwhelming. i’m so very confused at the moment as to what’s going on in my head! which is why i feel like i need help..

i have spoken with a councillor once and he made me more open minded to what i’m feeling and experiencing just so it makes more sense to me. which i find is helping so much because all i want is answers.. lol but are we ever going to find them? who knows. but i’m trying my best.

Hot baths seem to be working amazingly for me lately. i just splurged on myself at lush and got about 10 bath bombs , my sister has made me a organic coffee scrub so they are nice things i like to enjoy and reflect on what i’ve been doing recently.

i will get onto those self care forums , i am new to this beyond blue so hopefully it isn’t too hard to navigate around. but you have no idea how much i sincerely appreciate your response. thankyou kindly

sending positive light your way. we got this!!