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Panic Attacks or OCD Solutions Please

Community Member

I have suffered attacks where my chest hurts and I get a headache.
In the past lots of these have been created by jobs I hate, Religion and close friends who lost my trust.


The Trigger for these panic attacks can be as small as me having to stay back at work for 30 mins.
Despite me telling myself its not true and finding things i enjoy to keep my mind off it, the symptoms stay for hours.

Tonight I am having the same problem, and I just cant stop thinking, analyzing, critiquing, obsessing and panicking about it.
I tried the 5 sec breathing technique, stretched, exercised and went for a swim. But its 3:45 am and I am no way near ready to sleep.
My Granny developed epilepsy from her stress and blood pressure, she has been on medication for a long time now. It works for her.

I need an effective method to get over this, or should I just go and get meds.

Thank you 🙂
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Linden, is staying back at work because of OCD, which makes you feel that you need to do this as part of a rountine.

You should go and see your doctor and do they know of any OCD rituals that you have to perform.

From what you have written it seems as though you may need some medication.

This is an interesting post so please get back to us. Geoff.