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Not feeling in my body

Community Member


I have always struggled with depersonlisation to a degree but this last week has been crazy! I feel trapped in a body that's not mine and like i want to run away which of course i cant because then i would be running away from myself. When i can take my mind off it i'm ok but these past few days i have thought about the feeling 24/7 which makes me wonder if i'm losing my mind. Has anybody else had a similar experience ? I would love some reassurance that this gets better.

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Oleacl~

I've had a very similar sensation as a result of PTSD, anxiety and depression. My route to getting better included medical support with medication and therapy, though the actual sensation you described did not last that long, becoming increasingly rare.

I don't think you are losing your mind, but suffering a reaction as I did.

May I ask if you are undergoing treatment? If you are then I'd suggest seeing your doctor and asking to have your treatment reviewed, as it does not seem to be that effective. If you are not going to a doctor I'd think now would be the time to start.

As well you might find that living as stress less a lifestyle as possible including exercise, nutrition and good sleep (which is hard) can help.

As you have found taking your mind off the problem does help too, so maybe do as I do and try to distract yourself as much as possible. Exercise, reading, movies, pets, whatever works for you. I also use a free smartphone app called Smiling Mind which does get my thoughts away from hassles for a while.

The other thing is it's good not to be all alone dealing with this. Do you have anyone you can talk with who cares?


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi oleacl,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us.

I’m sorry that you’ve been struggling so much with these feelings - as someone who has had similar experiences before I know how difficult it can be and the desire to run away from it all.

I can absolutely tell you that it gets better - that’s the good news! But the bad news is that it takes time, and that for it to get better you need to want to stay in your body.

You mentioned that you’ve had this for a while - have you been diagnosed with it? Or are you seeking help? It’s sooo hard to cope with it on your own, so if you’re not talking to someone about it I encourage you to do so.

One of the best things that I try to use is grounding exercises; the most common one is 54321. 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell (or like the smell of) and 1 thing you can taste (or feel or that’s good about yourself). It’s also important to reassure yourself that you’re safe - as often when people struggle with depersonalisation it’s a way to cope when they literally ‘don’t want to be here’.

Hope this helps a little,

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


warmnwelcome to the forum.

Others have already provided some excellent ways to help ground yourself. I just add one more. It is a yoga of fingers: connect a thumb to a wedding ring finger and gently press together. Hold for as long as you need to (both hands). Thumb transmutes energy to a grounding finger. Hope this makes sense.

all the best