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Needing to release

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

This is the first time I have written on any of these forums.  I will often have a read and move on but this is a first. ☺️

It is midnight and I can't sleep. I had a couple of rolling panic attacks tonight the first full on ones where I have felt myself losing control for about 3 years.   That in itself is fantastic.  What I hate is having panic attacks at all.  They make me feel weak, useless, stupid, dramatic, over the top .... ... I am sure we could all put in words here but I think you understand what I am trying to say.


I am not sure what brought these on tonight as nothing 'bad' has happened, no bad news, I have nothing to fear etc.   

On saying all that I have been sick with a viral upper respiratory infection for nearly a month and it has worn me down. I feel sick on the antibiotics and sick with the infection. I was all set for making myself help out at my son's school tomorrow. I had told my son too so he was prepared (my son has high functioning autism).  Then I was told I wasn't needed and that they would be fine and to enjoy my day.  

Giggles I should be happy but I feel depressed. I feel unwanted. I feel left out. Stupid really as I do so much at my son's school and I am pleased I don't need to go in as such (even if I think they are undervaluing the amount of hands they will need).

I feel lost and I feel pushed away but I shouldn't logically feel this way. 


So now I have taken some medication to take the edge off my agitation and panic. Which has helped the physical symptoms but not my mental thoughts.   I just want to get a good night's sleep.  

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hiya and congratulations on joining our forums. It can be very daunting to talk about, especially when you are feeling like you "shouldnt feel this way" so you're embarassed.

Unfortunately the symptoms you are describing sound like an anxiety and depression illness. And as you ca guess by the word "illness", there is really no reasoning with it.

I know that people think because these feelings are based in the mind, then surely simply thinking different thoughts will change them, right? If we just "think positive'? Or if we just tell ourselves to "get over it"?. So we try that, and then when it doesn't work, we berate ourselves, calling ourselves all sorts of mean things, as you say, using words like "weak". We feel if we were strong, we'd just be able to change....

Well its called an illness for a reason, and that reason is because it doesnt respond to logic. nor does it respond to these kind of insults you throw at yourself- infact those insults only make you feel worse and worse.

for a start, try to imagine what you'd say to your absolute best friend in the whole world. would you sit there and acll her these names? i doubt it. You'd be telling her that she has an illness and these thoughts are the symptoms of that illness, and to really truly get rid of those symptoms, then we need treatment.

Treatment is often multi-faceted, as the illness is complex. Medication is a common one, as these are aimed at treating chemical imbalances thought to be a contributing factor. Therapy is a very very common one- id say an essential one- as these are aimed at really truly helping you change your thought patterns and coping skills using techniques that are very effective. Other parts to treatment can be life changes- so regular sleep, cutting down alcohol and cigarettes, eating a healthier diet and getting daily exercise. I know these things might seem unrelated, but you'd be surprised how much a bad nights sleep or an overload of sugar can contribute.


So a great first step is going to your GP, and discussing your treatment options. You can get Medicare funded therapy so it wont break your wallet.


I used to have terrible life-destroying depression and anxiety, it really made my life hell, and i certainly remember feeling very much as you are describing. But i beat it with therapy and medication and today i'm happy and full of life, got lots of enjoyable hobbies and goals, and the energy and good mood to achieve them. you can do it 🙂