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Need help

Community Member

I'm someone who self helps. Been through alot. Yet I'm still here. I don't now where to turn for answers yet I'm not one to seek them for myself or my own well being. Always there for others more then myself.  I'm just lost always have been. I'm just lost bored & hurting. Always have been. Good or bad it's always the same . I don't talk to anyone as to how I'm feeling as it's my own problems. I don't like to weigh people especially family with my problems. Keep a good face. Also  I'd like to believe I'm ok. Thought I'm not I know I'm not. But why I ask. But I'm not one who asks for help. 


8 Replies 8

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey Hail,

Sounds like you're stuck in a rut.

Are your problems weighing you down or holding you back?

Community Member

I need help in understanding. I'm self resiltant but I know something is not ok within me & I'm not quite ok. Need help to push to get help and find answers. To persue a more happy fulfilled life. 


Community Member

Absolutely they are

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

So which ones could you discard to start lightening the load?

Alternatively, which seem to be occupying too much space in your thoughts?

Community Member
  • Well most are past issues. Been through alot if things  Still effect me, but In wich aren't anything to do with the now. I've kind of worked through those. I think , though mentally I'm stuck. Like think they are in the past but they do keep in your mind. Latley been struggling financially. Reminds me no matter how much I do good. Or try to do good my life well no matter honest I am how hard I try for me be no good in return. Always pain and hardship. I mean I might have GD family a job finally i can grow in. But I'm still single, no kids, struggling financially and well no hope in any mind what I'm ever doing on this planet. I've always struggled.  confidence been low. though in this job I've alot of responsibility. Grown me . Been Training staff. I've gone out of my comfort zone Alot latley in many ways. But I've come back to same hollow feeling. I'm bored wanting more. Feel lost and lonely. Verry itchy

Community Member
  • I've never really talked to anyone much about anything. Hit alot of past issues pain I've never takes out about . Help others but not myself. As well my issues are my issues but quick help others. But I've many things I've bottled up though I like think they not effected me. But I guess they have. Also I think I've underling health issues wich I won't believe I have or need help with. I'm like that..though I wonder how healthy it is to be like that. But I'm one work hard do good keep good face no matter how I'm feeling underneath. But I'm hurting, lonely lost and don't know where to turn to he honest . Not sure what's wrong with me coz I could be happy. I've people around me in wich I could build happiness from. God they think I'm ok. I try I work n live but still idnk. 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Sorry, I checked out last night prior to your replies...

It's good to know you aren't dealing with any major (past) problems on top of your present struggles.

I've found that boredom and that restless feeling of seeking more is the precursor to some great change in life - we actually need this to prod us into action.

Getting ahead financially and finding direction is a bit like dragging a bus: takes ages just to see it move, but once the momentum kicks in things tend to get progressively easier and, dare I suggest, quite fun.

And, somewhere along that journey we encounter many people and experiences where, if we are patient and observant, one just clicks for you and all those fears (single, no kids, purpose) fly out the window.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Me again,

We are all a product of our past to some extent, and I think most will have endured injustice and suffering to varying degrees to form some reticence for the risk of being hurt.

Sometimes this is worthy of caution but we can double bluff ourselves and miss opportunities when they arise.

Heading off to the GP is always a good idea to settle concerns or just pick up a few pointers for improving/maintaining health. Anything untoward will be quickly referred to the specialists for a closer look - prevention is better than cure.