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My son left home with no job and is on drugs

Community Member

Really struggling with anxiety and insomnia. My son, 18, finished year 12. Started an apprenticeship then lost his job for taking too many days off, showing up late, always on his phone. He is smoking marijuana a lot. I have a 13 year old daughter at home too. After 6 weeks of my son up all night, asleep all day, day drinking, doing nothing but live like a bit of a slob while we all worked, i told him to go find work. He packed a bag and left. He came back to the house while we were working and stole my birthday money. We had to change the locks. I have been blocked from him completely. I tried calling him once every day for 3 weeks, he just rejects my calls. Its been over a month now with not a word from him. Im a marathon runner, i work full time and im now extremely anxious and sleep deprived. Im so wired with worry of a night time. Its awful.
any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear GLJ

Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties. It must be so hard not knowing your son's whereabouts and if he is safe. Has anyone else in the family tried to contact him? Can your daughter contact him do you think.

You may want to consider reporting your son as a missing person. I'm not sure what the police do in these circumstances but they be able to give you some advice/help.

You need to look after your own health. I know you are full of concern about your son and it seems hard to carry on your life under these circumstances. Perhaps a visit to your GP and something to help you relax may help. I know many people do not like taking medication and in general I agree but this would be a short term measure. In any case you do not have to take any meds you do not want to but a check up with your GP could be very helpful.




We're so grateful that you have reached out here today, we know that it is not an easy thing to do, but it is so important that you have. We're really sorry to hear what you and your son are going through at the moment, it sounds like this must be such a difficult time for you. Please know that you've come to a safe space to talk about these thoughts and feelings and our wonderful community is here to offer as much support and advice as you need.

We'd also really recommend getting in touch with our Support Service which is available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or you can visit on our website www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport for online chat. One of our friendly counsellors will be able to give you some information and advice to help you and your son. You might also find some helpful advice from calling the lovely counsellors at Parentline- who have a different service and availability depending on which state or territory you live in (which you can find listed at the bottom of the linked page).

We hope that you can find some support and comfort here on the forums, and please feel free to keep checking back in with us to let us know how you are going, whenever you feel ready.