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My social anxiety is causing problems with my friendships

Community Member
I feel trapped emotionally by my social anxiety & not sure what to do. My GP has started me on a new SSRI but it's been 10 days & I feel worse. My last encounter with friends over lunch was awkward & I had to leave early with a lame excuse. I just couldn't endure staying any longer & despite a quick toilet trip which I didn't need, I landed up leaving the restaurant. I lasted 3 hours but 1.5 hours is enough for me. I feel embarrassed, stressed, very anxious & can't face going out with them again. Next luncheon is on 3rd March but I don't want to yo. Should I tell them what is happening & be honest or try & ride it through? My relationship with one of my friends who I considered my best friend has changed recent weeks & trust is a big issue now.
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Cookie54,

Wellcome to our forums!

Im sorry you are feeling this way I understand how hard anxiety is to deal with.

I think it’s great that you saw your gp , antidepressants can take up to 6 weeks to work up to their full capacity so hang in there..

In my experience with antidepressants things got worse before they got better. If you are feeling worse please go back to your gp and discuss how you are feeling.

Did you do a mental health plan with your gp? If you didn’t I strongly encourage you to do one this will enable you to see a psychologist who can give you many strategies for anxiety.

I believe medication and therapy go hand in hand.

In regards to telling your friends this is totally your decision.

Do you feel comfortable telling them?

I good friend will want to show you understanding and not judge you, they will want to help you through it.

Please chat to us anytime on the forums.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hello there thanks for reaching out

Great to hear you have ought out help from GP in my experience can take 2 weeks for the SSRI side affects to calm down abit and to feel better

Im sure if you explained to them your situation or mentioned that you started a new medication they would understand as i personally stayed at home for the first couple weeks starting SSRI as it takes a few weeks to really adjust and feel like yourself again

I think it could be a good idea to let them know whats going on as they should understand what your going through and that can explain why you may have been withdrawn recently

I also think petals Advice on getting a mental health Plan is also a great idea as Medication paired with Therapy/treatment can really help

Please reach out if you need to