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I wanna be happy again.

Community Member
Hi everyone, I am so happy to be able to share my story with you, I am a student at the moment, met a guy oversees, and we clicked we had this online long-distance relationship. I have many things to deal with at the moment and one more added just yesterday; he told me how it is so difficult for him to communicate and at the same time deal with his issues, he is working on his thesis. Next two month he said will be hard to communicate, and he needs time to concentrate on himself which may affect our relationship.
And I on the other side of the world crying and can't sleep, woke up with a rapid heartbeat as if I have a coffee shot, pushed myself to get out of bed and went to uni, but all I want to do is cry....
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Nati-R,

There is no doubt that the unexpected twists and turns of life hit hard, especially when things are going well one moment and then they're all of a sudden not going well!

Given this happened yesterday, I want to encourage you to give yourself some time to process and reflect on the change in dynamic. It's perfectly normal to have an unpleasant emotional response to such news, and grieving is a healthy part of processing difficult changes.

You describe some physical reactions to this change, such as not being able to sleep, and when you do finally nod off you wake with a jolt like you've had a coffee. These kind of feelings and characteristics describe how my anxiety affects me when it is getting big on me. Is anxiety something you have experienced in the past? Do you identify as having anxiety at all?

How does it sit with you that this person has let their needs be known in what sounds like an assertive and clear manner? Do you have any reason to doubt the sincerity of his situation? Is your response coming from a place of mistrust or is it confusing to you why you're reacting to this change?

Hope to hear from you soon, and I sincerely hope you have a good day without too many intrusions from your thinking and feeling centres in your heart and head. 🙂

Community Member
I am so glad to hear from someone; I have never experienced precisely was not even sure what was it, to be honest. I respect his decision, and at the same time I have a fear of losing him but, but it is a very strong feeling, I walk around and looking for him when I know he is not even in this city and when that happens my eyes are full of tears. Usually, I can move on and forget about anything and anyone very quickly, but this time it seems very difficult and confuses me.