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I was just wondering what are some of the things people have tried that have helped with anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia? 

I have tried so many different things and although they all do help a little nothing has made a huge difference so I just wanted to know what has helped others.....

maybe my problem is I haven't stuck with them long enough....who knows

Anyway thanks in advance! 

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Lori,

Sometime people go through life and not automatically learn things. So we have to insert that missing ingredient to "catch up" to where we should be.

Anxiety for me is learning to relax and get things into perspective. After all exploding things in your mind is going to get an explosive reaction.

Over 25 years ago I had stress in my workplace and my occupational therapist kept reminding me how, when thinking unrealistic thoughts, that I had to face them and bring them into focus then slot them into their rightful priority.  ere I am 26 years later asking myself daily on any event "am I thinking realistically"?

Add to that process, relaxation courses helped too. In the end I got off BP tablets and heart rate dropped. It might not be a short process for it involves a change of mindset but be persistant.

Hi white knight!

persistance is the key your right!  I have a habit of trying everything and then when I feel better I stop until the next time I have a set back. 

The mind is very powerful.  It is truly amazing how thoughts can control feelings. I guess where my problem lies is that I have had these disorders for so long it's automatic thoughts of negativity and the 'what ifs' that just seem to come before I have a chance to think logically. Like a psychologist once said to me ' when you come to a red light you automatically put your foot on the  brake pedal to slow down without even thinking....like your thoughts just come automatically . It's re -training the brain which I'm finding hard to do. 

Community Member

Hi Lori,

I have the same problem as you and the same conditions also. My depression I've managed to keep at a manageable level for some time now, it's just the others that have reared their ugly heads that are now giving me the most trouble. 
I don't have anyone really that I'm close to, or would feel okay with sharing the my deepest, darkest thoughts so I started keeping a journal of my thoughts and feelings. It would seem like I was crazy if someone happened to read it as there are pages with just words, no order, just feelings or a single thought. I used it as a way of getting the thoughts out of my head instead of sitting with them and letting them build. That was just one of my methods but I found that it helped a little. 
I've tried so many medications and therapies and have just pushed my way through it the best I can. So if you happen to come across things that work for you, please share as I'm always looking to give something else a try. 

I hope you find things that help you, all the best.
