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Health Anxiety - How Do You Manage?

Community Member

Hello I am 59 years of age - I have had awful health anxiety for 22 years after a series of past medical traumas. Initially I was always going to doctor looking for reassurance whenever I had any symptom but found this just added to my anxiety so now I am a total avoider of doctors or medical tests now - will only go in case of emergency now, if at all because I just find the medical environment so triggering and traumatic. My last visit I had to take a valium just to get through the appointment.

So just wondering if anybody else has similar anxiety and wondering what strategies you use to cope or manage?

32 Replies 32

Community Member

Dealing with health anxiety is tough, I've seen it firsthand with a close friend. After some rough health scares, they started to feel really anxious about medical stuff. What helped them a lot was talking about it with others who understood. They joined a support group and it made a big difference, just having people to share their fears with.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

A friend of mine went through something similar after a bad hospital experience. What really helped her was practicing deep breathing and mindfulness. Whenever she felt anxious, she'd take a few minutes to just breathe deeply and focus on the present moment. It sounds basic, but it made a big difference for her.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I totally get how overwhelming health anxiety can be. My uncle struggled with something similar after a scary health scare. He used to get really nervous before any medical appointment. What worked for him was starting his day with some gentle yoga and meditation. It sounds a bit basic, but it actually helped him stay calm.

He also found talking to a counselor helpful. She specialized in dealing with anxiety, and just having someone professional to talk to made a big difference. And if you're considering getting some extra support, it's a really good idea to seek specialized help for anxiety. It's a big step towards managing those feelings better and feeling more at ease. Sometimes just knowing you're not alone in this and getting the right help can make all the difference.