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Having a bad day!!!

Community Member
Help I'm having a really bad day I'm feeling scattered and can't relax I'm that frustrated with my anxiety I'm being forgetful and of course I google it and it's never good.
11 Replies 11

Community Member

Hi Leets,

I'm sorry to hear you're having such a bad day. Not being able to relax, being anxious and feeling scattered is frustrating. I can relate. These symptoms would be linked to your anxiety/mental health. What things do you tend to do to relax? Can you think of something that has worked in the past?

This won't help you when you having a bad day necessarily, but here is a list of engaging/fun/distracting activities that you might like to take a look at. As adults, sometimes we forget that leisure and fun are essential in life. http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Fun%20Activities%20Catalogue.pdf

This is a nice little page with tips on improving a bad day. This doesn't factor in mental health per say, but the suggestions are still valuable: http://tinybuddha.com/blog/10-ways-to-turn-around-a-bad-day-in-10-minutes-or-less/

I hope your day has improved at least a little 🙂

Best wishes,


Community Member
Thanks Zeal for those links a fair bit has happened today and it's triggered my anxiety which sucks because I had it sorted so I thought but I'm getting there now and I have an appointment with my therapist in the morning so fingers crossed that will get me through this as well.☺️

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Leets

Really sorry that you have had a bad one especially with the anxiety feelings...Ive had them for a long time but if it helps they do lessen in severity over time especially with regular visits to a therapist. Good move Leets 🙂

The therapist is there to help you heal. Anxiety is an awful disorder to have, I understand your situation.

Can I ask what has triggered your anxiety today? If not no worries

There are many super kind people on the forums that can be here for you, even just for a chat

You are not alone

my kind thoughts for you


Community Member
Hi Paul thanks for the response and yeh it's ok to ask I have a sister she is a single mum with 2 kids one that threatened suicide for attention and she has her own mental illness and is in denial doing a lot of strange things etc etc. my anxiety also is at its peak when I have PMS so it really makes it hard to rationalise my thoughts and today has been one of my worst days and for the first time in a long time I cannot sleep it will catch up with me tomorrow but at the moment it is just making things worse. I am trying to not concern myself with my sisters issues but it is very hard😩

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

I hear you Leets

You have a lot on your plate....as in heaps of pain happening (sorry about your sisters childs suicidal thought)

you remind me of me a while ago....using Google and feeling worse....seriously

It is really hard not to concern yourself with your sisters issues but good on you for saying it...

Just so you know, I take an anti-anxiety med every day which also helps me sleep (not doped up) Ummm anxiety was severe from 1983-1996....and now its moderate depression. (my 23 year old daughter self harmed last year)

I hope you get some peace soon Leets, when you are up to it you are more than welcome to post...about anything you wish 🙂

my kindest


Community Member
There is so much going on and I've learnt if I do have to deal with her I need to debrief generally I talk to my husband but he was asleep last night with a head ache and I didn't want to disturb him. I ended up talking to my other sister and getting it all out and by around 1am I got to sleep on my couch which wasn't comfy so then went to bed. Last night was probably the second time my anxiety has disrupted my sleep I'm not shy of the medication just want to try alternative first I do believe my female hormones play a big part in the severity as it's only certain times so I'm being patient and waiting the two to three cycles before my doc refers me to a specialist in this field. Until then I appreciate all the help and the responses I get from here it definitely does help take the edge off😌

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Leets, good on you for having the chat with your sister and getting it all out. Did that help you at all?

Trying an alternative considering hormonal factors is a good idea. You dont know if you dont have a go 🙂

Thanks heaps for responding too!

kind thoughts


Community Member
Hey thanks it did help me get to sleep but I'm still struggling with sleep i fall asleep but can't stay asleep I end up waking up and so now I stress about waking up and can't get back to sleep straight away then I wait until I can't keep my eyes open then I'm pretty sure it's an unsettled sleep does anxiety cause all this or do I have a reall issue???

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Leets,

Hormones can do amazing things can't they! I used to warn my husband when I was struggling with PMS. It was a lot safer that way. Then came Menopause! Ha. Ha.

I coped by having a plan of action. I found things that I enjoyed doing on those PMS days. I also found that physical activity helped for me. Maybe it assisted the good hormones like endorphins to over take the negative stuff.

There is a thread here on sleep that you might find interesting. When you have a broken sleep cycle it is best to find ways to get back to a healthy cycle. Worrying about waking up at all hours will add more anxiety. Think of ways to calm yourself when you do wake so you slide back into sleep again.

Would it help you to write down all your hassles an hour or so before you go to bed. Get them out of your head.

Then maybe read an inspirational book, listen to music or watch a movie to help your mind be filled with less negative stuff.

I haven't read through all of this post, so hopes some of these thoughts are helpful.

Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools