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Final year nursing student stressed & anxious about job offerings

Community Member

I am a final year nursing student unbelievably overwhelmed about not getting a graduate position next year. I recently was turned down from a position where I spend my placement working. I received excellent feedback from staff relating to my placement so not receiving the job has kicked my confidence. Now I’m anxious & having thoughts I won’t get a job at all. I’m feeling so stressed and emotional  trying to finish the rest of the degree thinking is this really worth it if I may not get a job. I’ve put a crazy amount of pressure on myself throughout this degree and I would like to finish, just hate being in limbo waiting to hear about job outcomes. Surely I’m not the only one who is feeling like this… 

4 Replies 4

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi moomool, a warm welcome to the forums! 


Without meaning to sound too pushy... PLEASE finish your Degree! 
A Nursing Degree is freaking priceless right now, more than ever before I reckon. 


The one thing we need to develop within ourselves when going out into the Job Market is resilience


Please bring your thoughts right back to completing your studies because this will be worth SO MUCH to you throughout your lifetime. Finishing now, well I don't want to think about it really... but you'll have a HECS debt (if it wasn't paid ahead) without those qualifications. 


Final year! The finish line is within sights now. 


You can apply for so many positions with a Nursing Degree, not only all across Australia but all across the world! 
It's such a fantastic career path. 

My school friend finished her Nursing Degree in her fifties lol, yep we're getting on! 
She did casual Nursing in a City hospital, was on call any time. Then secured a FT position there. 
THEN got her DREAM JOB as a Community Nurse in the towns we grew up in and she LOVES it! 


A different friend did her Nursing Degree and went on to become a Psych Nurse and LOVED that. 


There are so many opportunities for you LATER. Sometimes the path can be a winding one to get "there" but with resilience and focus, you will. 


Take care

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello moomool, can I agree with EM please don't miss the opportunity to not finish your degree, it will be something you will have for the rest of your life, and will enable any chance to be employed in any State in Australia.

Don't let the present distract you from the future, because anything may happen once you are qualified and no one knows what may happen in the future, so please get your qualification.


Life Member.

Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi moomool

I can remember feeling a lot like you when I graduated from university. Nervous about leaving the comfort of academic life and doubtful about my future.


I applied for multiple graduate jobs, got knocked back and each time I wondered why? When I did land a graduate job I wondered the same thing. Why me? I can only guess that all the planets finally aligned and the universe smiled upon me!


Job hunting is certainly no fun but you just keep going. I can pretty much guarantee you that you will soon end up in the right place at the right time.


Kind thoughts to you 



Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi there,


I am sorry you are feeling overwhelmed - it is definitely stressful when you are in the position of needing a job, especially after working so hard during your degree. Just know that it is normal though! 


I am in limbo at the moment about job outcomes - I have 4 potential jobs I can do, some at the same time, and I am so conflicted about what to do/getting offers, so I get it! I am pretty sure there is a shortage of nurses in Aus at the moment so I am sure you will get offered a place somewhere - just don't give up and apply to every place you can! It may take time but I am sure you will get something, especially given the positive reviews you have received. It might just be that the certain place you had a placement at already has enough staff - have you tried asking them why you did not receive the job? Maybe it is something you can work on! 


I hope you feel better soon,

Jaz xx