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Could my anti-depressant be making me more anxious?

Community Member

I went on AD's last year in June. At first, I really felt the benefits and thought I could finally cope with my anxiety.

Since then, I feel as though I have "crashed". I am the most anxious and depressed I have ever been. The reason for it is unclear and I have difficulty pointing out my individual feelings. It makes me question why I'm still taking the medication when it seems to be no longer working.

I went into a wormhole of googling to see if coming off AD's and birth control and any other sort of medication could actually benefit me. I've also gained a lot of weight recently as I've been binge eating and not being active and I thought maybe the AD contributed to this.

It's almost like I want to blame the medication for all my problems. I'm not sure how I can face that it's just me and my anxiety. I want there to be an easy solution because I'm losing hope.

My GP has advised that I don't go off the AD's as the process is tricky. But I'm not even sure why I'm on them anymore.

What should I do?

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi zippedzipp,

Wellcome to our forums!

Im sorry you are feeling this way.

Have you done any therapy for your anxiety?

I believe therapy and medication go hand in hand a psychologist can teach you many strategies for your anxiety so you can learn to manage it.

You really can learn to manage it.

Please go back and talk to your gp and let your gp know how your anxiety is affecting your life.

You could do a mental health plan together.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Yes, ads, or ad withdrawal can sometimes have a paradoxical effect and increase anxiety

I'm not a Dr, but feel comfortable from own experiences and that of my friends, to say this happens, and for some people, so,e ads can have effects that make them not worth it.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Zippedzipp, sometimes our life changes from when we were first put on AD's, so different situations and/or circumstances are not what they previously were, so our temperament alters, that's when our doctor needs to review our medication explaining how we were previously to how our life is on another path, so to speak.

Going off AD's is a problem but know with my doctor/psychologist (one person) that by stopping an SSRI I could begin a new one straight away, there could be precautions but she kept an eye on how I was feeling.

I realise this may not be done by certain doctors but my dr/psych said that she didn't want me to 'dry' out and actually happened several times while trying to find a suitable one.

If your medication is making you anxious then perhaps you could ask for a referral to see a psychiatrist who will suggest another AD or another doctor.

If you aren't happy with your doctor, it's time to see another one who may have other different referrals to offer you.

Best wishes.
